Windows 10 not finding network devices; good news!

Here is an except from the thread I have been monitoring in the Windows 10 forum;

I wanted to let you know that we were able to identify the issue and ultimately find out that a fix was already in the works and checked into our latest builds. I tested on build 11103 in my environment and confirmed that the machine is able to find other devices on the networking using both NetBIOS and WSD when performing Network Discovery.

I see that 11102 is available for WIP so it should be contained within that build image as well.

Please do some testing and let me know the results.


Adam Rudell | Windows Networking Beta | Microsoft Corporation

Monday, January 25, 2016 5:40 PM

and …

I am in discussions with the PG right now to understand a possible ETA on when fix will be available. I’ll keep you posted.

Adam Rudell | Windows Networking Beta | Microsoft Corporation

Tuesday, January 26, 2016 4:05 PM

There was more regarding some MCSE people testing this in a beta build and all looks good. Fixed soon, folks!


Kinda confirms my view that Windows 10 is still in Beta…

If you were to ask me I’d say alpha.


For anyone who wants to read the original thread mentioned by Morden2004.

Thank you, Bennor, for correcting that oversight. Here is the new thread for those wishing to follow the progress of the testing which, BTW, is not good news on the first beta released to testing. It didn’t work! Ouch.


More good news - but I can’t figure out why!

Today, the WDMyCloud suddenly showed up in the [Network] folder in Windows Explorer. I checked and there were no Windows updates yesterday, and I haven’t fiddled with the Windows 10 settings for days now.

This confirms my suspicion that Windows 10 is the 1st ever release of Windows that is self healing!


Not here by me. Acer E15 windows 10 home
my windows 10 prof has no problems.
I am still waiting for something to happen with my windows home on my Acer E 15


I would like you to download LANscan program (ver: 1.62) and run it. What we are looking for here is the identity of the MASTER Browser on your network.

The background info is that in my network an ASUS Linux based router has assumed to position of Master Browser and I think this is why my network is fully populated within the [Network] list. I have attached the output of LANscanner below. Each network need a master browser and it is selected by a round-robin vote of all devices on the LAN that are enabled.

Your results may prove the issue.

I’m chasing this down with help from the Win 10 forum.


suddenly out of the blue my acer Aspire E15 laptop shows my WDMycloud in network and in Computer. I wonder if it will last but I will see. so now all my windows 10 pro on PC and laptops and the windows home on my laptop shows the WDMycloud. this evening.

Why don’t you download LANscanner (see message above) and let me have a copy of your results?



I just asume and I am certenly sure of the the result will be the same as Yours except that the router also shown in network is an Asus RT-AC68U-C540.

Today’s release of Windows 10 version 1511 Build 10586.104 update fixed the network scanning problem for me.

I’m not sure that was your fix. In the Windows 10 forum they are still testing a future release for that fix and so far it’s not looking good. :pensive: From what I’ve been able to find out, it’s possible to have all network devices show in [Network] under certain conditions. My network is one of those.


Morden2004, you’re probably right. The update fixed the problem for two of my computers, but it fail to fix it on the 3rd. I guess I jumped the gun, but I had not seen the MyCloud shares on any of these computers since before the previous Windows update. I can see the MyCloud shares when I browse the network on two of them now. They will probably disappear after a couple restarts.

It is a somewhat complex issue but basically Windows (all versions) uses a voting system between all devices on a Windows network to chose a master controller (browser) to maintain the table of all IP’s on the network. They use SMB (System Message Block protocol) to chat with each other. Samba is the Linux implementation of SMB.

What appears to be happening in the Windows 10 world is that something is wrong with Windows 10’s ability to participate as a Master Browser (if it ‘wins’ the vote) and something goes wrong and no devices get listed in the table.

That was my simplified explanation.


if it disapeares again, mine did! then try to update the network. That I did and wdmyclud reappeared in network

I’ve been using Lanscan (download from this link) in the past on this one Win 10 PC to try and figure out a good solution to the Windows 10/My Cloud issue. I too suspect a Samba Master Browser problem is partly to blame. At some point I’ll setup an old router loaded with TomatoUSB and configure it to run Samba and enable Master Browser on it to see what happens. Here is the scan from that Windows 10 pc.

For some reason it is picking up the wrong network adapter. The adapter it picked up is the VirtualBox NDIS adapter rather than the local network LAN adapter. The following screen capture shows a scan with the VirtualBox NDIS adapter disabled. And no this Windows 10 PC is not running within a VirtualBox environment.

Edit to add: The scan when the old router (with Wifi and DHCP server disabled) configured with Samba + Master Browser is added to the network.

Image #1 is exactly how my list shows when the VirtualBox adapter is not disabled. The second image shows that you likely did not have a master browser elected when you ran the scan (it takes time for the election to happen).
Image #3 is very ODD (lucky you)! To have two Master Browsers inside the same WORKGROUP is, as far as I know, not possible. But seeing that the VirtualBox adapter is once again activated I suspect this is a software glitch and the true MB is your desktop. Once you get a Linux system active, shut down the Win 10 system for 20 or 30 minutes and you should be in the same state I am in - a router as Master Browser and all my WIn 10 systems as slaves.


Well, latest updates applied to my ASUS netbook and … (this is like frying snowballs and here in Nova Scotia we have a lot of snow) the network list includes all the Windows 10 systems** but no longer shows the Linux-based routers**!
I’m done for the day.

UPDATE @8:25 PM AST: The routers came back! Just have to love networking in a Windows environment.

Upgraded my win 10 box to 1511 10586.104 and the problem persists. My Cloud not shown under computer in Windows File explorer.