WD My Cloud Home Device Offline

It seems a lot of people on the world get this problem! me too.
I wonder, why WD deosn’t official feedback to all ? disapointed

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I had the same problem, created support ticket. They sent me few times requests to make reset&reboots of the devices, checks of network etc. After it device still didn’t respond so i they asked to make RMA :slight_smile:

This is a disaster. Same for me. Suddenly no access anymore; shows as offline. If i do ping the IP of the device it´s responding. If i should loosing my data this was the last WD-Product i did buy for the rest of my life and make sure all i know also would not do.

There is a folder “VM” and a folder “RECOVERY” i still can see and access via the Desktop-App, but my main Drive is offline and not accessible :frowning:
Why the hell there is nobody from WD answering ?!?!?

@andreash76 Technical Support is not provided on the WD Community. Please open a support case with WD Tech Support and ensure to include your My Cloud Home debug logs.

How to Collect My Cloud Home Device Debug Logs

Answer ID 6746

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I am having the same issue with My Cloud Mirror. Cannot access files and the status shows offline.

@mbw, The service looks active - https://status.mycloud.com/
Contact the WD support team for help if you continue to see the problem.

We should make a warning to other potencial purchasers. Please post in Amazon, Facebook, etc. that this is a really piece or garbage


Resolved for me. Steps performed by me.

  1. Unplug Ethernet cable and power cable from the device
  2. Just for curious I pressed the reset button once only using a sharp object back of the device above Ethernet port.
  3. Plug in the power cable and waited for one minute meanwhile just refreshed my cloud page, still showed device offline.
  4. Just for curious I pressed the reset button once only using a sharp object back of the device above Ethernet port.
  5. Connected the Ethernet cable and refreshed the page and it showed my files.
  6. Files were not lost and there is no change in the settings.

just found this flow here. I now have also this “offline” issue. Searched on WD webpage, followed all suggestions. Nothing worked. Created a case on WD help/support for troubleshooting. Hope, I will get some answers. (offline for the last 10 days!!!) … any suggestions and/or help will be very appreciated. thank you.

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My 200$ My Cloud Home 4TDrive has been sitting there doing zip, one week after i purchased it, and that was about 10 months ago. I contacted WD, i had someone on the phone once, he did not resolve the problem, i sent emails no replies. still in the same situation.I got important files in there i just don’t want to send it some where at one of there suggested places for formatting. WTF.

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I have the same problem. My WD MCH has been breathing slowly for a week and is still offline. Please help.
Thank you.

I had to change the default gateway in my router from to
After that change, MyCloud Home was online.

Di you find any solution

Hi @ McWired, My Drive is showing Offline and tried many things but unable What should i do


Same problem here since 1 week… During first days, WD indicated an issue they were working on. Now it’s supposed to be done but doesn’t work either…

Still waiting for a resolution.

Nope, But i just read McWired repl, i’m gonna try it later on at home.

Nope Still waiting for a solution. But i’m gonna try what your way i’m home later on so i’ll see.

I have bought a new WD MCH 8TB but with 4TB brand new RED NAS HDD. I cannot set it up. When I connect it to internet I get only steady white light and no response. Anyone help?

I have been offline for too long I feel like we have been rip-off Disappointed


if you would like to have access to your wd:

open CMD commands as admin then:

  • to create : Net Use x: \devicename\sharename /user:wduser password

Open file explorer et voila…

  • to delete : net use x: /delete
