WD - Frequently asked questions

- Before posting, please be sure to check our WD Knowledge Base. Here you will find the most common issues/solutions for WD products. Also remember to check the user manual.

Top 10 popular searches:

1-Unable to connect to a WD My Cloud through remote web access while using Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome on Mac OSX 10.8

2-How to access the Dashboard on a WD My Cloud, Mirror, EX2, or EX4 Personal Cloud drive

3-How to remotely access a WD My Cloud Personal Cloud drive

4-How to enable port forwarding on a network router for use with a WD My Cloud, My Book Live, or My Book Live Duo

5-Using a WD network drive with Apple Time Machine Backups

6-How to access the Twonky Media Server on a WD My Cloud, EX2, EX4, My Book Live, My Book World (White Light) or WD ShareSpace

7-How to access data using FTP on a WD Personal Cloud drive and other WD NAS devices

8-Mapping a Personal Cloud drive or WD NAS drive on a Windows PC

9-How to reset a WD My Cloud, Mirror, EX2, or EX4 Personal Cloud drive

10-iTunes server and how it works on a WD Network drive

- The following links will direct you to some helpful guides and how-to articles created by some of our valued community members. Note that these are not supported by WD, so proceed at your own risk. 

1-Before you pack up your WD and return it, let’s talk about Copying Speeds!

2-[HOW-TO]: Troubleshooting Remote Connectivity Issues:

3-[HOWTO] Securing ftp server with encryption

4-[HOWTO] Securing SSH with private encryption key and passphrasec for remote connection.

5-[FAQ] Twonky DLNA Media Server Setup & Use

6-[Tutorial][SSH Method] Downgrade v4 firmware to v3

7-[GUIDE] Restoring your UI

8-[GUIDE] Installing qBittorrent on WD My Cloud for n00bs

9-[GUIDE] How To Unbrick your 2TB/3TB/4T​B My Cloud

10-[GUIDE] Fix the IntelliPar​k bug on a My Cloud.

11-[GUIDE] Getting FTP Access to work for accounts without full access to all shares

12- Automatic Full Backup for WDMycloud - tested on firmware V4.X

13- Clean debian and OpenMediaV​ault on WDMyCloud!

14- Hidden .wdmc directorie​s created by mcserver and photodbmer​ger and the deletion of them

15- solution: Monitorio and the 7 second wake up

16-Semi-advanced [Guide] to getting a running start setting up My Cloud device

17-Relay Connection Solved

Note: Before suggesting any guides please verify on the firmware release notes if the issue has already been fixed.

- Check our My Cloud How-To Videos list. These are a couple of videos to help out new users. They share some information on the common questions you see on the Community.

- If you want to contact tech support directly, you can do so by email or phone.

  Support - 2.jpg Support - 1.jpg


[GUIDE] How To Unbrick your 2TB/3TB/4T​B My Cloud

[GUIDE] Fix the IntelliPar​k bug on a My Cloud. (version 3.x firmware only)

Clean debian and OpenMediaV​ault on WDMyCloud!

Hidden .wdmc directorie​s created by mcserver and photodbmer​ger and the deletion of them

solution: Monitorio and the 7 second wake up

How to fix Poodle

How to fix Shellshock (version 3.x firmware only)

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Excellent, thanks JAC70. The Shellshock issue was solved on firmware update 04.01.00. 

Firmware Version 04.01.00-408 (10/27/2014)


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Excellent Job and much needed!

>>>Also remember to check the user manual.

I respectfully suggest adding a language choice link for the user manual

1 Like

PJPfeiffer wrote:

Excellent Job and much needed!

>>>Also remember to check the user manual.

I respectfully suggest adding a language choice link for the user manual


Done. Keep the good feedback coming. :wink:

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Semi-advanced [Guide] to getting a running start setting up My Cloud device

Relay Connection Solved

[GUIDE] Getting FTP Access to work for accounts without full access to all shares

1 Like

SectorGZ wrote:

Semi-advanced [Guide] to getting a running start setting up My Cloud device


Relay Connection Solved


[GUIDE] Getting FTP Access to work for accounts without full access to all shares

Thanks SectorGZ! 

Anyone recommend an exemplary response to the

“I’ve lost access to the Dashboard” (IP decided to change itself) problem?

Possibly the most FAQ…

cpt_paranoia wrote:

Anyone recommend an exemplary response to the


“I’ve lost access to the Dashboard” (IP decided to change itself) problem?


Possibly the most FAQ…

Set the IP in your router based on the MAC address?