Slow transfer speed since upgrading to Windows 10

Hey folks,

Since upgrading to Windows 10, I’ve noticed that the transfer speed to my WD MyCloud has dropped significantly.

My NIC is set to gigabit / full duplex (as it was before the upgrade.

I’m running ethernet from my PC to gigabit switch.

WD My Cloud on ethernet to Gigabit switch 

Gigabit switch connected to my Sky wifi router.

I’m not sure what I’m missing here… as nothing has changed other than updating to Windows 10? Are there any known tweaks or issues??


Please see an earlier thread that discusses Windows 10 and slow transfer speeds.

WDMyCloud (2TB) slow under Windows10 & some programs can’t access files

Then review the following thread.

before you pack up your WD and return it, let’s talk about Copying Speeds!

Then use the forum search feature as there are several other threads discussing slow transfer speeds with the WD My Cloud, there may be additional suggestions in those threads.

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Hey Bennor,

I appreciate the input… and have gone through those articles… but that hasn’t changed anything. I’d gone through several threads after initially having slow transfers when I first bought the My Cloud last year, and managed to do some physical tweaks to get the transfer speeds to something decent.

The problem still remains…

Prior to updating to Windows 10, my transfer speeds were MUCH faster. Now I’m lucky if I top out at 30mbps since the upgrade.