I read an article for sloving relay connection error in WD My cloud 2TB I am using ASUS Router RT-AC87U
After attempting these steps i am still unable to get direct connection .
I followed these steps still no luck
WD customer service blaming Asus …
Asus guys saying not an router problem
1) I tired normal method using automatic IP . = Relay Connection
2) Manual with 8080 and 8443 Ports Using port forwarding and Static IP . = Relay Connection
3) Tried this article steps . = Relay Connection
1) Cloud ports set to manual on NAS 9080 and 9443 respectively
2) router - upnp enabled
3) - Static IP set on NAS and reservation set in router.
4) remote ports 9080 and 9443 forwarded to internal IP (NAS) 80 and 443
- rebooted
Still it is showing me relay connection established , i don’t what i am missing or what is happening . please anyone can help me thourgh this