Relay Connection error

I read an article for sloving relay connection error in WD My cloud 2TB I am using ASUS Router RT-AC87U

After attempting these steps i am still unable to get direct connection . 

I followed these steps still no luck

WD customer service blaming Asus … 
Asus guys saying not an router problem

1)  I tired normal method using automatic IP  .          = Relay Connection

2) Manual with 8080 and 8443 Ports Using port forwarding and Static IP  .   = Relay Connection

3) Tried this article  steps .             = Relay Connection

1) Cloud ports set to manual on NAS 9080 and 9443 respectively

2) router - upnp enabled        


   3) - Static IP set on NAS and reservation set in router.


Screenshot 2015-08-19 12.18.19.png

4)  remote ports 9080 and 9443 forwarded to internal IP (NAS) 80 and 443

  1. rebooted 

Still it is showing me relay connection established , i don’t what i am missing or what is happening . please anyone can help me thourgh this


Are you able to check with you ISP to see if somehow they have some kind of security not allowing the connection.

After that if stills the same, try contacting WD Support again to see what else you can try.

WD Contact info:

I got mine working by forwarding 80/443 to 80/443 on the MyCloud, with MyCloud set to listen on 80/443.

If your ISP blocks 80/443, so you use 9080/9443 instead, and tell the MyCloud to listen on 9080/9443, don’t you need to forward 9080/9443 to 9080/9443 on your MyCloud IP?

If you’re going to forward 9080/9443 to 80/443, don’t you need the MyCloud to listen on 80/443?

Why have you got two sets of forwarding rules?

Are you sure you are using a static IP? I note your second image shows ‘Automatic IP’.