No connection since update to OS 5.30.103

On Monday, Feb 17, 2025, my Ex2 Ultra was updated to OS 5.30.103. Since that moment any of my drive connections are dead in both Win11 and Android. I guess, there is a causality.

Who can help?

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Maybe we have the same problem? Loss of SMB access to EX2Ultra

… yes, obviously …

With me, we’re talking about 3 PC and 1 tablet as well as 1 iPad and 3 Android phones. None of them works on the Ex2 Ultra any more.

same boat - Worked fine until recent update -

I have the nas 4100 the app is no longer being updated from the unit, file folders are not being updated, My nas has no issues with the network LAN shares. I have rebooted the cloud and it is indexing now. I hope this is the same solution for the app access as well

so i seem to have fixed my problem, unless it goes awol again in the near future. I did the ‘40 second’ reset as advised by WD support - after double checking i had extracted all of the data i was worried about using the working FTP access. After going through the initial setup process i had full windows file explorer access again. i then went through setting all of my requirements one at a time checking access continued to work . UNTIL i set windows protocol to smb1,smb2 default was SMB2, SMB3. and explorer access failed again. so i went back to 2,3 and it worked, so i then set it to 1,2,3 ( as i believe my PI access needed smb1) and everything was still ok. My screenshots that i took/take when i set this up or altered over the past few years have always shown it to 1,2 so something recently changed on the NAS that broke or ‘improved’.

One lesson out of this is that the 40 second reset didnt damage the data