Loss of SMB access to EX2Ultra

I have an EX2Ultra 8tb raid NAS. Static IP

All access has been fine until a few weeks ago when smb access occasionally failed and a restart fixed it. now it has permanently failed.

I have 2 windows 10 devices and 1 PI ( linux) all have the same problem

What works -

web access to all config

ftp access from windows machine ( haven’t tried PI) can get to all folders and files

WD app on ipad gets access to all folders and files

What doesn’t work

windows file explorer always now gets Windows cannot access MyCloud , same if i use IP address

linux mount command fails

it means i cannot run auto backups from these devices to the NAS

I have checked the windows credentials. and recreated them - but obvs the PI has it hardcoded in the mount command

I cannot of course map a network drive as it wont get that far

I had a long helpful chat with WD which didn’t get a result except went to a 40second reset suggestion which i am holding off for now as i don’t want to risk losing the data on the NAS.

i have poured over these forums ( thanks) and think i have checked everything i have seen so far and cannot find one that is relevant to my combination of fault analysis

any ideas?

You have posted in the WDMYCLOUD single bay sub-forum, but your question is about an EX2Ultra.

Latest My Cloud OS 5/My Cloud EX topics - WD Community

sorry, i struggled to get a better category to show up in the search. any suggestions? using EX2Ultra showed no results in the category drop down.

this is copied from where i set it for the similar error.

so i seem to have fixed my problem, unless it goes awol again in the near future. I did the ‘40 second’ reset as advised by WD support - after double checking i had extracted all of the data i was worried about using the working FTP access. After going through the initial setup process i had full windows file explorer access again. i then went through setting all of my requirements one at a time checking access continued to work . UNTIL i set windows protocol to smb1,smb2 default was SMB2, SMB3. and explorer access failed again. so i went back to 2,3 and it worked, so i then set it to 1,2,3 ( as i believe my PI access needed smb1) and everything was still ok. My screenshots that i took/take when i set this up or altered over the past few years have always shown it to 1,2 so something recently changed on the NAS that broke or ‘improved’.

One lesson out of this is that the 40 second reset didnt damage the data