MyCloudEx2Ultra Win10 Map drive


I’m getting crazy here !!! I tried everything suggested and I’m still stuck with access denied error.

I have followed every steps given here My Cloud & Home: Share Access Failure - Multiple Connections To a Server or Shared Resource Not Allowed

Here is what I can share :

  • I have access to public folders
  • I can access private folder using admin credentials
  • I can’t access private folder using user credentials

I have so many times deleting the windows credential, log off/log in, reseting user password, lanmar invitedlogon, smb1… Still not able to connect or map drive with user credentials !

I really need this to work and it’s a pain that the product can’t work smoothly !

if that helps in the log I do see : CIFS: Authentication for user [pierre] has FAILED.

I solved the problem…

THe problem was relating to group. Users were belonging to group not having the same privilege on the given folder and it seems that group privilige takes over user privilege.

EX2Ultra Connections Disasters

For the 2nd time in 2020 I was faced with my 4-year-old EX2Ultra’s inability to access files. The NAS showed on the left side of Windows Explorer but would not even display the shares to log in. The usual popup window appeared: “…is not accessible. You might not have permission…” and “The specified network provider name is invalid”.

Back in January I checked several dozen websites (most with reassuring solutions that weren’t) and WD’s user support and KB; dozens of settings were changed. Days passed. Finally, the nuclear option was to reinstall the latest version of Windows 10. And it worked.

September brought the same problem, yes–after Windows’ monthly updates. Update uninstall was useless and after trying some of the old familiar solutions in total despair, I realized another option: my 5 yr. old Dell PC with a wiped drive. A DVD with the Win 10 upgrade from 7, plus a usb stick from May '20 with v.1909 (Jan '20) worked their magic. The EX2Ultra connected without a hitch. Quick, disconnect it to prevent further updates! Hallelujah!

The problem seems to lie somewhere between WD’s OS5 and Windows updates. I see no reason to continue with the EX2Ultra–it’s off to the cloud for me.

I keep an older windows 10 64 bit system several version back just in case I may see the same problem.

BUT my main system is totally up to date (intel EVGA motherboard) and I have not seen that problem.

one of my other windows 10 systems is also up to date it works no problem and it still has the old WD Access app. ( the app saves me time)