Help - MyCloud can no longer see Safepoint Backup after firmware update

I had a safepoint backup schedule to run once a week… and it was working fine for a long time. A month or so ago, the firmware updated automatically and I noticed that my safepoint stopped backing up every week. Looking into it, it seems like the MyCloud can no longer see the Safepoint. It can see the drive, it just doesnt recognize the safepoint. 

Any way to fix this without wiping the safepoint drive and starting over? I’ve turned off automatic firmware updates. Pretty big fail from WD on this one. :frowning:

See also this item

Can’t access shares by explorer and another user has also problems with safepoint.

It looks like every time WD fixes something they mess up other stuff.

Bad testing. Can’t understand because they sell more then 10 devices…

We have passed along this information to Support.