FTP Access Denied w/ Filezilla, WinSCP & just internet browsers

It’s been nearly 2 weeks.

I have went through many threads in this forums, understood important steps like enabling FTP Access in My Cloud settings and entering the appropriate user name and password (which is the same user login as within My Cloud) when logging in using FTP software.

Both none worked. I have no idea why.

When I use those FTP software and enter my login details, they said “421 Login incorrect” on Filezilla or “Access denied” on WinSCP. While on Chrome browser, it just refreshs and prompts for login details again.

Can someone enlighten me? :confounded:

Try switching between active and passive mode in filezilla

No help, buddy

Are you trying to access your FTP server from a different network than the one in which your MyCLoud is sitting. If yes can you try to access the FTP server from within the network in which your MyCloud resides.

I’ve tried FTP access using local IP and it works.

But using external IP doesn’t work at all. It keeps prompting me for user name and passworld over and over again.

Check whether port forwarding is working fine for the FTP port. My feeling is there is some issue there.

It’s definitely done.

And even on my windows firewall, I have set a new inbound rule for port 21.

None of  that helped. Only FTP access via local IP works as of now.

Any other suggestions? :confounded:

Define external IP address.   Not from the internet, correct?

Meaning an IP address given by my ISP?

This is what you need to do:

Port forwarding your machine with port 21 is not enough. That’s only the trigger port that establish the connection. After that vsftpd needs more ports to be opened and forwarded by your router in order to upload/download/get list of folders etc.

So, first look at /etc/vsftpd.conf for that: 

My conf for example has this port range:


All you need to do is add the exact port range to your router, together with port 21, and you’ll be able to establish ftp connection from the internet



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I have forwarded port 21 only and it works fine. Not sure why we need to forward other ports.

powerpower wrote:

It’s been nearly 2 weeks.


I have went through many threads in this forums, understood important steps like enabling FTP Access in My Cloud settings and entering the appropriate user name and password (which is the same user login as within My Cloud) when logging in using FTP software.


Both none worked. I have no idea why.


When I use those FTP software and enter my login details, they said “421 Login incorrect” on Filezilla or “Access denied” on WinSCP. While on Chrome browser, it just refreshs and prompts for login details again.


Can someone enlighten me? :confounded:

Well, first, “421” appears to show there is something else going on.  That error code refers to:

“Error 421 Service not available, closing control connection. Error 421 User limit reached Error 421 You are not authorized to make the connection Error 421 Max connections reached Error 421 Max connections exceeded”


Normally it will be a “530 Login incorrect” if it’s just a problem with username/password.  The 530 code is:

“User not logged in.”

You may want to see this here: https://forum.filezilla-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=28638&hilit=421+Login+incorrect

FTP error codes can be found here: http://kb.globalscape.com/KnowledgebaseArticle10142.aspx