External hard drive removed but still showing

I connected an external hard drive to my MyCloud device to move some files over. After I removed it, the external hard drive continued to appear on my list of folders. I attached it again at a later date and a new folder appeared, this time with the number 2 as a suffix to the hard drive name. Now I have the hard drive removed from the MyCloud device, but both of the ghost folders still appear. I can’t find a way to remove them from the listing. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Did you try accessing the My Cloud Dashboard > Shares page and remove the USB drive names that are listed there?

The duplicating USB drive name is a known issue. the solution is to remove the USB drive via the eject option within the Dashboard, then go to the Dashboard > Shares page and remove all USB drive names for the USB drive. Then reinsert the USB drive into the My Cloud, access the Dashboard > Shares page again and rename the USB drive Share name back to the original name.

Here are just a few past threads where this duplicate USB name issue has been discussed:




