Ex2 ultra shows up in Win 10 as Storage, not as computer

Hey guys,

I just got a refurbed EX2 and went through the setup, but I can’t get it mapped as a network drive on any of my computers (all running Windows 10). The problem isn’t that it doesn’t show up, it does, but it shows up in network under “storage,” which means it isn’t available as an option when you go to map a network drive. I tried most of the things in that big Windows 10 troubleshooting post, but my ex2 already does show up, so I am not sure what to do.

From what I can tell, it is normally supposed to show up under the computer category. Since it is in the storage category, it doesn’t show up as an option when trying to map a new network drive.

Thanks for any help guys!

Same Problem here. Anyone know a solution?

The NAS can show up under “This PC” but more importantly under “Network” and is is from Network where you need to access it. It is a network device, not a computer attached drive.

The NASs usually show up under the Computer section of Network.

In windows 10 when you go to map a network drive, it only shows the devices in the computer category, not the EX2, which is under the Storage category (within network).

This is all I have

And, I am telling you under computer is not where you look for it. I never look for NAS there. What you need to do is OPEN “Network” in the left side pane of FE, (as you have done for Computer) and look for the name of your NAS there and you can open and access it there. You should be able to then open the Public folder It might be named Storage instead of Public…

So which one should I open on my Network? (screenshot above). Because the only one I have is the MyCloudEX2Ultra and if I double click it, it opens the admin options in google chrome. How do I attach my volumes to a network drive?

Your screen shot does not show network devices *NAS" listed under the Network label. You need to open Network section (for now, ignore the larger right pane display).

Refer to the complete user manual for details of this.

Oh ok. The last time I set it up, I did it the same way Michael did it, so am a bit confused as to why it isn’t showing as a computer anymore.

But basically the way your asking me to set it up doesn’t seem to be showing either. So I have some error with the way my NAS or windows is set up?

If anyone has any useful information would be great.

Seems I am giving assist to two guys with same basic issue. If you guys want to include a screen shot with NETWORK label OPEN I would appreciate it.

I don’t seem to have an option of opening it

Assuming you mean the arrow that usually appears here. It occasionally appears but when clicking it, nothing happens and disappears

If you look at the screenshot in my first post, that is the network window.

You click or double click on the word Network, Same way the PC contents are displayed. See the arrow on left side of the word? It should point down when open. This is all Windows FE procedures, nothing else!

I understand what you mean, But i’ve got no arrow and double clicking doesn’t do anything. Maybe there’s a problem with my PC? Would be interesting to see what happens if michael tries.

It’s a 3 sided arrow. click ONCE and watch the arror turn either up or down. You want it to turn down.

Again, i haven’t got any arrows next to Network. I’ve got one on “this pc” but not on network.

Contact WD support by phone after this weekend.

You mean like this? It just shows the devices under the computer category, which in my case does not include the ex2.

I will also say that I have performed a factory reset of the ex2 to ensure I didn’t change any settings that would cause this, and the problem persisted after the reset.

Hi michael672, I’ve been having the same issue as you and managed to resolve it using the fix on this video “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vki_bx4zjI”.

The last fix on that video did it for me. Hopefully it works for you too.