9 digit device code

Where do i find this please ? Ive looked every where. Its meant to be on the bottom of the mycloud device next to a locked padlock icon but none of those numbers work

Hi Dtrus,

The 9 digit security code can be found on the rear of the Quick Install Guide or from the Serial Number Label on the bottom of the My Cloud Home unit. See the knowledge base article below for more information. In the article scroll down to solutions and select “Set up with security code”


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Here’s a picture out of the manual showing where on the label the code is:

There is no 9 digit code on the bottom of the device nor on the quick guide set-up. How to I get in?

What is the product you have? This is the board for a product that was just released today. Are you sure you have the My Cloud Home product? if you have the model number it would help.

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For those who need it, view these videos.

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I was not given one of those guides plus its not on the bottom. Thats the problem thank you guys for all your help.

Yes its my cloud but maybe wrong board i do apologise 2tb

Yeah where do you get them from ?

Checked every where no 9 digit code. If its part of the serial number for example which part ?

If you have the My Cloud linked below you will need to use My Cloud to configure the drive. You can also use the dashboard to set it up as well.

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Hi @Dtrus - What is the model (P/N or M/N on the label) number of your drive?

Hi @Dtrus - Based on the model number you PMed me, you have the older My Cloud device. (The links @drlucky gave you should help)


I have the same problem, no device code. The “quick installation guide” is only a piece of paper without what you mentioned the label. I just bought it yesterday (2017-09-02). The product is “Western Digital My Cloud Mirror 4TB WDBZVM0040JWT”. Please help me!

Hi @rednickw (and anyone else who comes across this thread who has the older My Cloud products) - the 9 digit device code it is asking for is for the My Cloud Home product line. WD recently made changes to the My Cloud website to accommodate the new product line. See the threads below for more information:


I have the same problem, lost my quick install guide so kinda lost :frowning: its a E2C (Model WDBCTL0020HWT-EESN)

You have the older My Cloud not the My Cloud Home. See the post linked below. It has instructions for setting up the My Cloud product.

I took mine back, the device is awful and the software is slow and kept on freezing. The suport team have never replied. The only good experience ive had from this is the support from this forum. Its ashame as the concept is a great idea.

so, are the older devices not able to use the my cloud home? I have a 32TB my cloud pro series, can I use it with that, or do I just continue to use the old site and app?

you will need to continue using the old site and app