WIN7 no network listing of WDMYCLOUD

My apologies in advance for creating a new topic as there are others very similar.

I have read all topics and thread entries, tried all reasonable suggestions to no avail,.

file explorer → network does not show WDMYCLOUD yet after running WD utility WD Access there is created a new entry in file explorer under network with the ip address as the entry; only some of the time.

The many months/years this problem with WIN7 and WDCLOUD devices has not yielded a confirmed consistent, rational answer to the continuing problem I will hate to have to return teh WD CLoud EX2 Ultra if my WIN7 laptop cannot access mycloud same a other WIN10, XP and WIN 8.1 pcs can.

I THINK WD should have chimed in long ago to assist; as of yet they remain on the sidelines,

How do we get WD attention to do more than tell us to reboot equipment?

Western Digital, are you there? Please help. Anyone.


This is primarily a user to user support forum. If you need a specific response from WD then contact WD Support if you haven’t done so already.

Without knowing exactly what “reasonable suggestions” you have tried, and without knowing what constitutes an unreasonable suggestion, here are a few to check:

Ensure NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled.
Ensure the My Cloud and the Windows 7 computer are using the same workgroup name (ex: Workgroup).
Ensure the Network Neighborhood in Windows 7 is configured for Home.
Assign the My Cloud a static IP address.
If a static IP address has been assigned through the Dashboard, ensure the correct Gateway (typically the local network router/gateway) IP address is entered.
If a static IP address has been assigned through the Dashboard, ensure the correct DNS addresses have been entered. Note: Sometimes one needs to use the Gateway IP address as the first DNS address.
As a test disable any third party firewall/security software on the Windows 7 PC.
Try reaching the My Cloud using it’s IP address in Windows File Explorer (ex: \\
Try mapping the My Cloud to the Windows 7 PC (if you haven’t tried this already).

If you haven’t already, search through the dedicated EX2 subforum (or post into that forum if you haven’t already). There may be people more knowledgeable about the EX2 Ultra in the EX2 dedicated subforum than here since this subforum (My Cloud) generally is for the single bay/single drive My Cloud units.

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I have no trouble accessing MyCloud using two computers running Win7 Pro.

You are likely to be having some problem with the configuration of Windows, rather than the MyCloud (assuming the MyCloud is set up to factory defaults).

I’d recommend following Bennor’s suggestions. I’d recommend leaving the IP address assignment to the router’s DHCP server; there are too many possibilities for incorrect configuration using manual setup on the Dashboard. If you need to make the MyCloud’s IP address fixed, do that at the router end, by reserving the IP address.

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Like cpt_paranoia mentioned and not to repeat, I also have 3 computers accessing both of my My Clouds using Win7 x64 without any issues. I have assigned a fixed ip in the router (Asus RT-AC68P) and leave the My Clouds on DHCP. This has worked flawlessly for years. I can’t say that for the firmware though … lol

I will add also that I too had several Windows 7 PC’s that ran fine with the My Cloud before I upgraded them to Windows 10. More often then not if the Windows 7 (or Vista, , 8.1, 10) PC cannot find the My Cloud either by IP address or by name it comes down to a misconfiguration of the network settings on the computer. In other cases its how the local network is configured that causes the problem. In certain rare instances its how the user configured the My Cloud (different static IP address subnet, different workgroup name, etc.).