I’ve had a WD TV Live for some time, and it was working fine, playing an assortment of different video file types, via an external hard drive connected by USB.
One day, out of the blue, it suddenly went to play one video and refused to, and refused to play anything else, including videos that had previously played fine with no issue. The only solution was a complete Device Reset. Now, it does this quite often, either randomly stopping in the middle of a video or refusing to play a new one, and again the only solution is a Device Reset, something I now have to do multiple times a week. I also have a related issue, where the device will, again randomly and out of the blue, exit out of the currently playing video file and tell me that the external hard drive has been disconnected, in which case sometimes it will automatically reconnect, and other times I will have to physically disconnect and reconnect the USB cable.
As far as I’ve been able to tell, this seems to be a common problem, but I am yet to find a permanent solution, can anyone help me please, because it’s incredibly annoying
EDIT: Firmware version is 2.02.32