WD media player, only playing 1or 2 files then needs reboot?

Hi there

As the title suggests I have say 10 files which I would like to play right through however it will play say 1or2 then just hang when the third file is supposed to start playing at a black screen. The only way to start playback is to reboot.

Suddenly started doing this a few weeks ago.

Any help would be much appreciated


Have you tried doing a factory reset?

Yes mate

I wonder if you can offer any further information (or clues). Are you using a local (usb) source, media server shares or network shares? And wired, or wireless? Presumably you’re Windows, not Mac. Windows 10? Also, are all the file types the same? (Presumably that’s ‘yes’ or you would have said). Anything you can offer for the folks here, so they can give you their best help.

Hi mate thanks for responding, I have the media player connected to my to via Hdmi then my wd hard drive plugged directly into the player.

I use wireless for e remote on my phone iPad etc

Thank you, that’s better. I use network shares so I will leave it to others. But you’re wired at least.
Might be a firmware rollback, but wait and see what others suggest. Do search here if you do roll back.
I saw Joey Smyth, a member of this community, post an excellent guide to doing it. In a thread, I forget which one, but it was within the last 2 weeks so should be easy to spot.