WD My Cloud Internet Access


How do I give Internet Access to my “WD My Cloud” ?

It is connet to one of the four Ethernet Ports of my Thomson SpeedTouch Router.

Many thanks in advance for your advices and suggestions.


Hello and welcome to the community,

Take a look at this guide created by another user. Hope it helps


Open up the Dashboard and look under Settings>Network and see what is showing there.

Posted by,
cat0w (USA)

Thank you for your reply “Hamlet”!

I tried everything possible inside my router and also in the WD My Cloud Application to give to the NAS full access to the Internet.

Inside my router, in particular, I have assigned a Time Server (NTP) Service to my NAS to fix my Time Zone problem and it has been solved.

In the WD My Cloud Application, I have given the NAS a Static IP with the appropriates IP for Netmask and Gateway.

The NAS is fully recognized by my Mac and by the router and I don’t have any Internet access problem with my browsers and my downloading apps.

I really don’t understand why the NAS refuses to connect to the Internet…

Thanks again anyway for your goodwill !!!


Thanks for replying, “cat0w” !

As you can see, I’ve been several times on this page and, despite all my efforts (please see my above reply) I can’t give my NAS an Internet Access…


Have you looked at the User Manual for your router? I don’t know what version you have but here is a link to one I found online.


Here is a link to the WD My Cloud User Manual. Between the two maybe you can figure out your problem.


What Operating System do you have on your computer?

Posted by,
cat0w (USA)