Update: Firmware 04.04.00-308

The WD My Cloud firmware has been updated to 04.04.00-308.

Firmware can be updated either via the Firmware update option within the Dashboard, or manually (through the Dashboard) by downloading the firmware for your WD My Cloud model via the WD Support site: http://support.wdc.com/downloads.aspx

Release Notes: http://support.wdc.com/download/notes/WD_My_Cloud_Firmware_Release_Notes_04.04.00-308.pdf?v=484

What’s new!

  • Resolved issue of capacity in home page disappears after firmware update
  • Improved logging
  • Improved security
  • Addressed known command injection, SSH default password and CSRF security vulnerabilities
  • Applied fix for Poodle security issue
  • Improved Time Machine performance
  • Supports My Cloud OS 3 operating software
  • Supports WD Sync™ which syncs data across multiple PCs, notebooks and Mac computers
  • Supports MyCloud.com – web access portal and Learning Center (replacement for WD2go.com)
  • Supports My Cloud mobile app with sharing and Automatic Camera Roll Backup
  • Supports NAT-PMP that allows automatic port forward connection on Apple routers

Firmware Version 04.04.00-308 (9/28/2015)
Resolved Issues:
 Resolved issue of unable to create new folders or write to folders after firmware update

How is this update behaving and performing on your particular unit?

Trancer wrote:

How is this update behaving and performing on your particular unit?

Fine except for the fact the Drive Sleep function never kicks in.

Trancer wrote:

How is this update behaving and performing on your particular unit?

The firmware works OK with the exception the intial log in page (when login is enabled) being a bit slow in loading. Then there is the issue of the not sleeping that others have mentioned being somewhat erratic. Sometimes my unit sleeps other times it does not. Then there is the log file(s) being filled with “error: stat /tmp/dynamicconfig.ini: no such file or directory” as discussed by others.

There is also the fact that one can no longer turn off Public Sharing on the Public Share folder which could be accomplished in the past through a bug in the Dashboard programing. That “enhancement” (really a downgrade) was introduced with 303 or the immediately prior firmware version.

Well it still hasn’t resolved the issue of not being able to access the drive through Finder on a Mac unfortunately. 

I thought it was time to take the plunge on the new firmware, so have installed it on my ‘test cloud’ device, which I’d recently wiped back with a quick factory restore.

Upgrade took ten minutes from start to new, white UI appearing.

All previous settings seem to have been retained.

Twonky has benn upgraded from 7.2.9 to 7.2.9-6, the only difference seeming to be the addition of an ‘Online Services’ tab in Settings, which I have yet to get to grips with.

More significantly for Twonky, it looks like the sharing folder settings are no longer broken by the firmware upgrade; it’s still pointing to the directory and media type I had it set to before the upgrade. Also, if I disable Twonky by using the Settings|Media|Media Streaming control, then enable it again, the Sharing settings are unchanged. Result!

Cycling the Media Streaming leaves the other settings in place, too.

It still creates the ‘Shared Media’ folders.

If I move the ‘Shared Media’ folders by editing the twonkyserver.ini file, the resulting folders created by Twonky are inaccessible to me, even though they’re created in Public. If I do ls -al in /shares/, I see that the old folders are 775 access, and the new ones are 776. If I chmod 775 these new folders, I can get into them again. But, of course, I can’t write to them. So I use chmod 777, and can now write to them. This needs fixing. Yeah, I know I’m using SSH to moify the twonkyserver.ini file, but that’s the only way I can tell Twonky to put the ‘Shared Media’ folders in a sensible place; I have no choice. Even if I leave Twonky to use the default ‘Public/Shared Media’ folders, these are also 776, and cannot be accessed via File Ex[plorer (permission denied).

As Bennor noted on the first OS3 .303 firmware, settings pages slide in from the right, somewhat pointlessly; smacks of ‘developers with too much time on their hands’. Which, considering the chaos of recent weeks, is a little galling. I guess there’s a distinction between GUI development and ‘guts’ develpment, in terms of skillsets.

Can’t change the SSH password from the default via the Dashboard UI.

Not tried any of the new apps yet.

There’s nothing on it yet, so content scan is idle.

The thumbnailer and indexing services were running: now stopped and disabled.

Under Settings|General|Cloud Access, there is a new control ‘USB Content Availability’, which says it can control whether an external USB drive is visible to the cloud. This may be intended to overcome the vulnerability that USB Safepoints are created as Public.

Thus far, I’m pretty underwhelmed. Maybe the wonderful new apps will excite me.

Forgot about not being able to change the SSH password from the Dashboard UI. That one seems like a no brainer and it makes one wonder why its not an option.

The other issue that should be fixed and which others bring up from time to time is the inability to delete expired cloud devices from the Cloud Access, Cloud devices for . One gets the error “Parameter is missing. (400041)” and the entry cannot be deleted.

Its these small unfixed issues that makes seeing the “flashy” new UI so frustrating from an end user standpoint. Makes one scratch their head and wonder why someone at WD would think that implementing a flashy new UI was/is more important than fixing the persistent small issues that get brought up in these forums from time to time. ‘Developers with too much time on their hands’ in deed. I’d rather see these small issues fixed and other small features added; like the ability to have more control over permissions on subfolders beyond just the top level folder than a new flashy UI that is, lets be honest, nothing more than eye candy.

I’ve downloaded the new Android MyCloud app.

After logging in, it showed me my main device, and two copies of my test device, one of which could not be accessed, so I deleted it using the app’s device manager.

The Dashboard says there are no connected devices: wrong…

So I deleted the other copy, and reconnected. Now the Dashboard shows one device.

I haven’t had to enter an authorisation code, only the password.

So it looks like there’s an unpleasant mix of remnants from the last app/firmware, and everything gets a bit confused.

I haven’t tried remote access yet.

My unit keeps dropping offline - the rest of my network is fully operational - just my WD My Cloud keeps losing connectivity. Are there any fixes available for this issue?

Hi there,

Please apologize for the inconvenience. Have you tried running the following SSH command:

find -P /shares/ -not -path ‘/.’ -group root -exec chgrp share {} ;

This will fix the permission issue you are experiecing and hopefully resolve it for you. Thank you.

Need Help? Please click below for further assistance or contact us at 1(855) 556-5117

Kazzzzz wrote:

Hi there,


Please apologize for the inconvenience. Have you tried running the following SSH command:



find -P /shares/ -not -path ‘/.’ -group root -exec chgrp share {} ;


This will fix the permission issue you are experiecing and hopefully resolve it for you. Thank you.


Need Help? Please click below for further assistance or contact us at 1(855) 556-5117

Sorry, I’m new to all this: Is this reply for me?

It looks fine, however after the upgrade of the firmware, the cloud device doesn’t seem to recognise the external HDDs correctly. 

I use a Thermaltake BlacX Duet HDD Docking Station for 2 HDDs of 2Tb each and before the update the cloud device worked very well with the docking station, but now it only recognises the first HDD.

I tried swapping the HDDs and it only sees the first drive of the station.

Is this a problem with the update?

I’m really angry because my cloud it’s updated automatically to this version and I’ve lost all my share folders. I have all my users but I can’t see my all share folders included public folders
I tried to create again the folders with the same name and I can see it but I don’t remember if I had more share folders.
Is there any solutions for this problem?


 Please apologize for the inconvenience.

I apologise for the inconvenience…

Have you tried running the following SSH command:

find -P /shares/ -not -path ‘/.’ -group root -exec chgrp share {} ;

I assume this was aimed at me. Whilst I had spotted the discrepancy between owner and group for the newly created folders (why did it do this, though…?), I didn’t bother changing them.

And no, being a consumer, buying a consumer product, I didn’t think of running that sort of Unix command to make it work. Whilst I have some Linux experience, I’m not a Linux administrator or developer.

But I’ll give it a try, thanks. Could you look into why the owner/group/permissions are set incorrectly by this product?

I had capacity OK with 307 and with 308 it’s gone again.
So much for “improvement”.

Please DO NOT “elevate” anything to lame support, thank you. They’re clueless people usually telling me to either reset, reboot or zero-fill the NAS. Doesn’t help.

Hi All,

how to updated Firmware within the Dashboard? I have #307 version and my Dashboard has a blank page so I can’t do this that way. I am using Macbook. I’ m not sure but I think I didn’t check SSH option in MyCloud. Can anybody help me?

And why it could update automatically to #307 ,but  couldn’t do that to #308 and fix the problem with Dashboard?


I used paperclip and I press reset button for 42 seconds on the MyCloud and that helped to get to Dashboard. Now I am updating it to 308 version using Dashboard. Hope everything will be fine now. 

prezeswer wrote:


how to updated Firmware within the Dashboard? I have #307 version and my Dashboard has a blank page so I can’t do this that way. I am using Macbook. I’ m not sure but I think I didn’t check SSH option in MyCloud. Can anybody help me?

While you have indicated you were able to updated to 308, might as well answer this question in case anyone else has it.

If one has “Automatic Updates” active then the device should update automatically when WD releases a new firmware. If the automatic update doesn’t work or is disabled one can either click on the “Check for firmware” button or manually download the firmware (from the WD Support section) for their My Cloud and then use the “Update from file” button to manually update the firmware.

The WD My Cloud User Manual details how to update the firmware starting on page 89 of the manual. Or see the following WD Support document:  How to update the firmware on a My Cloud 

Hi Cpt_paranoia,

Thank you for your response. We are currently investigating this and will let you know more when we can. Thank you for your patience.

Tried remote access with the new Android MyCloud app. It worked.

Oh, and I spoke too soon about the Twonky share setting: it left the correct directory, but changed the media type from ‘Music’ to ‘All Media Types’.

LardVader wrote:

I had capacity OK with 307 and with 308 it’s gone again.
So much for “improvement”.


Please DO NOT “elevate” anything to lame support, thank you. They’re clueless people usually telling me to either reset, reboot or zero-fill the NAS. Doesn’t help.

I’m sorry for the hassle.  Unfortunately, support has to do the basic troubleshooting just to weed out the basic causes.  Once those are done, and the issue still persists, then we usually ask for logs to see what’s going on in the device firmware.    We may need to try different things ourselves to replicate the issue for further investigation.  It’s a process that we can’t avoid, but is necessary.  

We can escalate your issue, but someone from support will need to contact you for follow up.  Is that okay?