Hi guys,
I hope that someone can help with this problem:
Each time I try to access my cloud home through Putty I get this error…“network error: connection refused”, I have tried with both the IP address and the name…but each time I get the same error!
OK…I had search on the web and saw that it maybe is that SSH is not set, however…my dashboard does not have this option ! the help article page on the WD support seems to just show a completely different dashboard with this option (just to share folders and change passwords), so I just presumed that maybe my version has it already automatically enabled!
I shutdown the mycloud, as per the update instructions…but on it’s reboot, I had the same problem.
I had this My cloud about 7-8 yrs now and rarely use it so perhaps I may have missed some patch/other thing.
The version is 9.6.x
Anyone got any helpful advice?
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There has been 68 firmware releases for the My Cloud Home (MCH) running OS4 since its introduction and none of them has ever supported SSH or root access. The firmware version number 9.6.x is the latest range so you do have the MCH and it should be referred to as MCH or My Cloud Home, not My Cloud (OS3 or OS5) which are completely different devices and share little functionality in common with the MCH.
Oh…I see, so no SSH access for me then ! Dammit!
Anyway…thanks for your reply to let me know.