I updated my cloud gen2 to latest firmware 2.31.149, and after that I cannot connect over SSH. The option is enabled, I also tried to change the passowrd many time. On previos firmware the connection working smoothly.
Any idea or hint what to do? Or just return back to previous firmware?
This looks like an issue with the latest firmware in which openSSH was updated.
I reset all settings and had the same issue.
I downgraded the firmware to 2.30.196 and it now works perfectly again, going to sit on this version for a while as I see no advantage in upgrading especially with a bug that makes my drive unusable
I may need to get around to properly refitting the HDD in my Gen2 and then updating it, so that I can diagnose this issue.
My guess is that WD finally decided to replace those broken Diffie Helman based keys with actual EC based keys, and now you need to update your key— but that is a supposition.
Obvious questions:
How are you using SSH to talk to the mycloud? (Native Linux SSH client, Native MacOSX SSH client, PuTTY, “other”, etc.)
If using native SSH, what is the EXACT error message?
I used a variety of OS to try and connect and apps.
Mac OSX Mojave: Filezilla and terminal
Manjaro Linux: filezilla and terminal
Windows 10: filezilla and cmd and putty
I am very experienced with SSH both as a server and connecting as a client, the issue is with the firmware, completely blocking it for some reason on some configs, perhaps stuck keys. The downgrade fixed it and I will stay on that version for now.
Hello, I have the same issue (connectivity before update, “connection refused” after 2.31.149 update)… Tried your suggestion it (also) returns exact same message;
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
I downgraded to 2.30.196 firmware, I could connect by ssh, but for some reason after some days the WDMycloud upgrade to the last firmware again in spite of have the auto update option disabled. I repeated this process several times and the problem persist. Someone knows how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance.
The issue is related to the package WDMyCloud_UtilsUpdate_28.bin from MyCloud Gen2 custom apps mini repository. The package replaces the stock sshd-server and makes it incompatible with the latest firmware. To resolve this, you can first downgrade the system to My_Cloud_GLCR_2.30.196 through webUI and then remove the package. Next, you can upgrade the system and enable ssh. The user name should be sshd but not root. Finally, you can install WDMyCloud_UtilsUpdate_30.bin from MyCloud Gen2 custom apps mini repository