Unable to SSH to WD mycloud

Hello guys,

I’m no longer available to access my WD mycloud through SSH. Problem occurred when I unmounted an external HDD through commandline. The external HDD wasn’t actually in use, so I thought it was safe.

Ever since, I havem’t been able to gain access to my WD mycloud through SSH. Get a “connection refused” as soon as I attempt to establish a SSH connection. The webinterface, however, is still working and functional. So that is a plus :slight_smile:

Things I have tried:
System factory reset (‘System only’ and ‘Full restore’) through myclouds webinterface. (after I took backup ofcs)

Turn SSH off/on under ‘Network Services’ in myclouds webinterface.

Restart my WD mycloud.

Use another computer to try SSH to WD mycloud. Removed WD myclouds entry in my 

~/.ssh/known_hosts file

Everything just ends up with ‘ssh: connect to host $IP port 22: Connection refused’

Any way of gaining SSH access back?

Thank you in advanced for your answers :slight_smile:

Hello and welcome to the WD Community.

Hopefully, some of the users can provide you some helpful information about your case. Please note that accessing SSH is not directly supported by WD.

Thank you!

Done some more digging, seems that FTP and AFP is also down. SMB however is fine.

Cannot set up time-machine backup either, get an instant error when trying to select backup disk.


  Screen Shot 2015-09-07 at 12.09.58.png

Seems to me that SSH/FTP daemon isn’t running at all. Any suggestions?

If you need any information, please let me know.

Okay, guys. Things have resolved!

Updating the firmware seems to have done the job!

Updated the firmware through the webinterface.

So far, it seems to have resolved all the issues.

Stay classy WD :robotlol: