Trouble Accessing

Please help people, this has become a 3 hour ordeal so far and has become very frustrating.

I keep getting the below message whenever I try to login through my network via the windows explorer app.  I have reinstalled the WDCloud apps and can access fine through those but I prefer to move from documents to WDCloud via Network within the Windows Explorer screen.  The below message pops up after I have entered the login name and password; the same login name and password that I used to gain access through the WDCloud apps after reinstalling… I’m concerned something has gotten screwed up…


Have you tried resetting the drive?

Are you able to access to the dashboard of the device? If yes, you should be able to check the settings for the user that you are using to login to the device using the Windows app.

Thank you for the reply!

I’m not sure that I have tried “resetting”.  I unplugged the device for 1 minute and then plugged it in again.  

I am able to access the dashboard.  I just logged on to the dashboard and I had to provide the login and password; no problems… but I still receive the same error message when I try to access through the windows explorer app.  I’ve been looking around the dashboard, can’t find anything that looks out of place or helpful… 

did you enable media streaming and get asked by windows to set sharing for unknown device?

\i think that is what caused me the same problem?

I don’t recall being asked to set sharing for an unknown device.  I’m not a big media streamer but it’s possible that I clicked OK to something.  Where would I check on that?

Okay, in my “share profile”, the media serving button is clicked to “on”.  Is that what you are talking about?  Should that be off?

The last paragraph of that error message is telling you what the issue is.

In Windows you cannot access two shares using two different sets of credentials.

Chances are, you (or some software process) accessed a public share first, and then all private shares will fail.

You must make ALL shares accessible via the same username / password, and access PRIVATE shares first.

So now it is telling me I don’t have permission to access.  Contact network administrator to request permission.


All I know to say is that I deleted the app from my phone… still couldn’t connect (via windows explorer app), still couldn’t connect, still couldn’t connect…  Shut down computer, Restart, connect via windows explorer…Success!