Time Machine on My Cloud Home not working anymore


since around January 10th Time Machine is not working anymore with my My Cloud Home drive. It starts looking for the backup volume, then says preparing backup and after a while stops. It then shows “waiting to complete first backup”.

I tried My Cloud Home: macOS Time Machine Error “Backup Disk Not Available” but it still doesn’t work. Same after trying to backup in safe mode.

Console tells me that “backup failed because the network destination disk was ejected or disconnected unexpectedly!” and “Backup failed (26: BACKUP_FAILED_NETWORK_INTERRUPTION - The connection to the server was interrupted.)”.

Mounting the drive or the Time Machine bundle is no problem an works fine. So the drive is available.

/edit: The choose a disk window shows that it tries to connect via smb, not afp anymore.

Any ideas?


Did you already remove and re-add the target disk?

No. I’ll give it a try … Hope it doesn’t “break” my backup.

Still not working, tried it twice.

Sorry. @WDStaff Please help @judgensen

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I have the same problem. Restarting the MyCloud Home disk helps, but in less than a day the problem is back…

Restart doesn’t work for me, not even for a single backup. :frowning:

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same problem since the 12.1.22. click on TM icon on the top. drop menu click on system preferences. click on add or disconnect back volume. disconnect used back up volume. (re)connect the back up volume. let encryption unselected. choose guest. now should be work. these steps are working for my macbook pro.

Thanks for your answer but doesn’t work for me either. I have to choose encryption since the existing backup is encrypted. Otherwise TM asks whether to delete the exisiting backup or to use the encrypted one. Apart from that the process is the same. It starts with “preparing backup” but then suddenly exits.

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According to the information I found on the hdd my cloud home and time machine, it does not support encryption mode. I seem to have read this in a forum a couple of years ago when I was setting up as I also had the same problem as you are experiencing: my backup was slow and stopped by itself after a while. It was while googling this problem that I found this forum talking about this encryption problem with hdd my cloud home…

I used it in encryption mode for 2 years now, I guess. See also link on community.wd.com .

Don’t know if it’s officially supported.

maybe it’s supported now. at the time i buy my MCH it was not. MC yes but MCH not. Maybe it’s depends of the construction date and the osx version!?

I too am experiencing problems since the firmware update, I can’t even connect to the TimeMachineBackup via smb.


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I have the same problem. It all started Jan 20th 2022. I have My Cloud Home connect to both of my Macbook pro’s one is running iOS Mojave and the other is running Big Sur all software is up to date.
I have tried everything that has been mentioned in this group and just can not get it to backup at all to Time Machine. Apart from that I can still access My Cloud Home and even add files to it. IT JUST WONT BACKUP…
My Cloud Home software version: 7.26.0-220


Has anyone finally found a solution for this Time Machine issue or been contacted by WD? @WDStaff

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I’m in touch with WD although response time is pretty slow (every 5 days or so).

I’ve posted their first suggestions here: link

Second answer was this:

Therefore, you have to follow the instructions of the same link already sent on the 1st email to correctly configure Time Machine using Samba (SMB)

Initial Time Machine Backup Failed or Could Not Complete

My Cloud Home: macOS Time Machine Error “Backup Disk Not Available”

Unfortunately even these solutions mix up OS5-devices and My Cloud Home. Or does anybody e.g. know how to adjust TM maximum size in My Cloud Home preferences?


Hi, I love the way WD seems to think for all have degrees in Computer engineering.
This is the one thing I truly dislike about WD and their emails on how to fix issues!
I looked at the instructions and can someone please tell me where to find the settings stated in TM to even get started. But then again as you stated @judgensen it didn’t even work!
I noticed a number of warnings stating that WD doesn’t support TM anymore!
Why would WD want to lose a percentage of their client base? But then again, since that seems to be what they want. Maybe it is time to find another cloud storage. Any suggestions?

I’ll stick with my MCH for the moment. I hope it will be fixed since it worked fine until now.

I’ve sent @WDStaff the output of console regarding backupd. It seems to be some connection issue. Whether it’s their implementation of smb or Apple’s fault, I don’t have a clue. There have been many TM issues on Apple’s side as well.

/edit: Connection as mounted drive via WD Discovery seems pretty stable. Somehow it seems to be related to TM.

I have a degree in Computer Science, and have been following the instructions, and I still can’[t get it working. :blush:

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Hi, please remove the space limitation, set for the Time Machine configuration under .\Settings\Common\Mac-Backup. After removal, I had not that issue anymore.