SSH changes vs future firmware update


I have made some changes to WD My Cloud via SHH:

I disabled ipv6;

I stopped two services through crontab (S85wdmcserverd and S86wdphotodbmergerd)

etc, according to

In case of future firmware update and I perform the installation will the changes done be overwritten?

Would be advisable to accept the update in the future?

Thank you in advance.




Hi there,

I believe if you restart the drive the changes will go back to normal but, i don’t know if this would be affected by a firmware update although the unit does restart in order to finish the process. Lets see if another user can give you some tips and information on this matter.

Thank you for your info.

I do not think restarting the drive could make it revert to the initial state (before ssh-puTTY changes).

What should be a purpose of such setting?

I remain quite confused.

Indeed, an answer from a user that has experienced the aggravation of firmware updating and vowed never again will he update; unless he has two clouds (one to update and the other to keep as backup).

yes… once you update your firmware, all changes will be lost and if you had store script files in the /usr/local/sbin directory, they will be gone too…

In a sense it is a good thing because if you had done a lot a changes, this reverts your device back to original factory state.

Now I have heard rumors that if you by pass too many firmware updates and decided to upgrade from, lets say 3.04 (which happens to coincide with my current version) to the latest firmware which is probably 6 update versions ago, your device will be bricked. They say, the customers that runs and replies in this forum, that you will need to upgrade your firmware one by one until you reach the latest version.

The other rumor is that many have updated their firmware to the latest version to find that nothing works, speed is slower, usb connections don’t connect and of course drop outs are more frequent. Then there are those who says “I’ve upgraded and everything is fine”, but that particular user probably has 5MB of data on his drive.

Now here is what I suggest.

  1. Always have another copy of your data which has nothing to do with firmware updates. Never ever copy your data to the Cloud device and erase the original unless you have another copy somewhere else. If you don’t have another device and don’t wish to buy another device, either leave the original on your original drive and use the Cloud as your backup, or subscribe to one of the free or paid online storage to keep a backup copy, but don’t rely on the online storage as your only copy either, since places like Megaupload may disappear overnight and your only copy may be in the hands of the FBI.

  2. if you upgrade your firmware, it is better to have another Cloud for a 3rd backup. That way if something fails (and it would feel like it expecially when it goes white light on you), you have another device to use while the other one is being RMAed.

  3. If you have stopped the scans from occuring, the first thing that happens after an update is a flurry of activity from your Cloud trying to catch up on its scans and you might get locked out. So be prepared to SSH into it as soon as it lets you which is way way after the white light stays on for several hours (speaking from experience). 

  4. Once you SSH in, be prepare to repeat the fixes that you applied to your last version. For four years (or more), I haven’t seen a switch to turn off the media scans although in version 3.04, they actually turned off the scans automatically dues to processor overload and it had a message on the UI telling me that the scans has been stopped and in order to restart the scans you must reboot (I didn’t reboot for 6 months).

You can skip firmware upgrades as I have without too much problems. Although they have fixed a couple of potential security threats, none of them should potentially affect you since you are behind a router.

Although eventually I expect that I will have to upgrade my firmware simply for the reason that the matching iphone app will require the latest version. Perhaps on that day, I will sell my Cloud and move on to a more robust NAS.

Good luck…

 edit: the

/bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S86wdphotodbmergerd stop 

/bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S85wdmcserverd stop 

are not permanent changes. If you reboot the Cloud, those two process will restart.

The update-rc.d commands will disable the processes until you upgrade the firmware.

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For easy restore your services after upgrade system - use Chroot (Install all in chroot and restore only chroot-start script)

Chroot install scripts for v3 and v4 firmwares

Ps: Better backup:

1st drive - for data and dayly backups (From 1 week to 1 month)

2st drive - for intremental backups (per month) and one full backup per year (Or half-year)

So 1st drive can be lost, but all data saved on 2nd drive (2nd drive turn on only one per month and can “live” up to 20 years or more)

I thank you very much both of you for precious elucidations.

Now i have got an idea of the system functionality (in my case non-functionality, but it is a very long, unresolved til now “my-cloud story”.

Best regards from a very disapponted, unfortune and regretting ever buying a piece of WD hardware , user.

Hello GThib, click on my username and click on view all for all my posts. If you go all the way back you will find answers to your attched USB problems too.

I have resolved every single issue that I had had problems with and the two devices, the Cloud and My Book both 4TB drives are sitting on the shelf with great operatibility. 

Go through my posts and hopefully you will find solutions to your disfunctional drives and come back to tell me that everything works (hopefully).

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I from Russia. Sorry for bad English.
For any help - go to Skype: Fox_experience.

I have just notice you eventual invintation offering your help.

Might I turn to you for some help concerning WD My Cloud (Mirror) disconnection (almost instantly after having attached/connected USD drivers) problem?

Noone seems to be able to resolve the issue. For almost two months i Have struggled with WD Tech Staff - all in vain.

Thank you in advance if any.

Спасибо вам большое.

sorry I really do not want to be WD tech support but I’ll try to answer on your USB post once I find mine… It has been a year since I resolved my problems with the USB.

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Greeting Raphael,

Indeed, I have started research of setting up My Cloud (via ssh) from your post.

I have been pretty afraid of ietering a driver root. Especialy if I have no knowledge of Linux, shh, puTTY, etc. And that serius warning of a danger of loosing the warranty privilege.

I haava decided to make a step following the info in the link in my first post here). Alas, stopping services have not resolved my horribly problem.

The very issue is I cannot use at all my two My Cloud Mirror drives and one My Cloud one when USB drives (filled) are connected to the main My Cloud (Mirror) disk. The drives (MC) simply become uncontrolable - no Web UI, no ipad My Cloud access, no Quic View control. Sometimes, eventually only local network connection is available.

The WD Tech Stuff has been aware of my problem for more than two months! Nothing has been done. They seem to be not capable of solving the issue.

The only thing they have tried was to replace my three My Cloud drives to My Cloud Mirroir assuring me that with the  MC Mirror ones there has been no problem of disconnection. Nothing more false.

Same problem persist.


Hence my attempt to change some setting of My Cloud drive via shh to verify whether the issue could be solved.

Alas, no appearent change I have noticed.


The only WD My Cloud Mirror that works normally is the one with no USB external drive attached.

sorry I really do not want to be WD tech support but I’ll try to answer on your USB post once I find mine… It has been a year since I resolved my problems with the USB.

Raphael, your kind help is mostly appreciated!

I will study your information in the link above and I certainly will take the liberty of contacting you.

Would contact you via private message be permitted?

The he worst of all has been the sense of total powerlessness of WD Tech Stuff on the subject and the lack of any constructive proposition on the potential esolution.

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@ Raphael

I have listed all the steps below based on your information included in your link.
I would deeply apprciate if you kindly could confirm or make some adjustment to it.

  1. Using puTTY  - access to My Cloud shh (root-welc0me)

  2. insert following command:

killall wddispatcher
killall wdnotifier
/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server stop
/etc/init.d/nfs-common stop
/etc/init.d/upnp_nas stop
/etc/init.d/mDNSResponder stop
/etc/init.d/wdphotodbmergerd stop
/etc/init.d/wdmcserverd stop

3. Then:

/etc/init.d/wdnotifierd stop
/etc/init.d/wddispatcherd stop
/etc/init.d/wdnotifierd start
/etc/init.d/wddispatcherd start

I have already made following changes:

crontab -e
@reboot /bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S86wdphotodbmergerd stop
@reboot /bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S85wdmcserverd stop


  1. To stop the “netatalk” Apple network service enter the following command: service netatalk stop
  2. If you want to “stop” it after a reboot enter: crontab -e
  3. Scroll down in the shown editor and add as last “new” line the command: @reboot /bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S50netatalk stop
  4. Press ctrl-x → y → enter to save the changes

Next point… WD has enabled IPv6 in the used Debian distribution, what a nonsense! You can’t configure it, you can’t use it but still it’s enabled and consumes network resources (doesn’t matter if used or not, it creates IPV6 related traffic at anytime if enabled). Yes, this is no joke! So let’s remove it.

To disable IPV6 follow the steps below:

  1. Connect thru the SSH console

  2. Enter the following command (use copy and paste to enter the command in putty, it’s one line of code!), this disables ipv6 on demand:
    echo '/sbin/ifconfig eth0 inet6 del ifconfig | /bin/grep "Scope:Link" | /bin/sed -e "s/^.*addr: //" -e "s/ .*//" '> /bin/disableipv6

  3. Enter the following command, this modifies the permanent ipv6 configuration (it’s one line of code):
    echo “echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6” >> /bin/disableipv6

  4. Enter the following command: chmod a+x /bin/disableipv6

  5. Verify the script, enter ifconfig and verify the ipv6 address shown for the eth0 adapter. Now execute the disableipv6 command and verify with ifconfig that the ipv6 address is gone for eth0. If the ipv6 address is not gone or you received an error check the script with nano /bin/disableipv6

  6. If the ipv6 address was gone after executing the disableipv6 command execute crontab -e

  7. Scroll down in the shown editor and add as last “new” line the command: @reboot /bin/sh /bin/disableipv6

  8. Press ctrl-x → y → enter to save the changes

  9. Reboot the device by using the reboot command

I will be thanful if you could verify the above before I make the ssh changes to My Cloud setting.

The last question:

When new firmware is available, all the above changes should be reapply (in case of update the firmware)?

Thank you in advance.
If it does work I will be more than happy (toutes proportions gardées!)

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Hello GThib,

I’ll try to help out here on the forums as much as possible (no private messages).

you only need the following:

  1. Using puTTY  - access to My Cloud shh (root-welc0me)

  2. insert following command:

/etc/init.d/wdphotodbmergerd stop
/etc/init.d/wdmcserverd stop

killall wddispatcher
killall wdnotifier

  1. hopefully your USB drive should be recognized … if not your could restart 

/etc/init.d/wdnotifierd stop
/etc/init.d/wddispatcherd stop
/etc/init.d/wdnotifierd start
/etc/init.d/wddispatcherd start

You don’t need anything else. Your other post where you found all the junk is not needed, in fact I think he copied from my original post which included my mistake.

Leave the two devices on and they should be seen under shares on the UI menu. It should work, pretty much guaranteed.

Please Post up afterwards…

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Please Post up afterwards…

It is really very kind of you. Thank you. I will.

i am gong to proceed now…


BTW - how can I revert/restore to initial WD My Cloud Mirror setting after performing the suggested changes? Just in case…

Are the listed changes permanent or they will be replaced by default setting after rebooting or updating a firmware?

Please be  understanding, I am far away from you expert level knowledge.

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hmmm, mirror setting? are you using a cloud mirror? My instructions are only for My Cloud (single drive) and I don’t know the complementry process on the other device to stop, but give it a try.

Do not reboot after you run the ccommands. They are temporary only when your device is on until your reboot then the programs begins to run again.

So the reason that you are “STOPPING” these programs from running is that they make your device un-responsive when running. 

/etc/init.d/wdphotodbmergerd stop
/etc/init.d/wdmcserverd stop

The other two programs

killall wddispatcher
killall wdnotifier

These programs are locked in contention with each other for some reason when your USB drive is plugged in. Killing them then restoring them to run, stops the locking.

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hmmm, mirror setting? are you using a cloud mirror? My instructions are only for My Cloud (single drive) and I don’t know the complementry process on the other device to stop, but give it a try. Do not reboot after you run the ccommands. They are temporary only when your device is on until your reboot then the programs begins to run again.

Oops, just rebooted… proudly using ‘reboot’ command at the end! :slight_smile: I have just noticed before I read your comment that perhaps I have should not. Your instruction

I have been applying to My Cloud 4TB drive.

I have three My Cloud Mirror drive and one My Cloud I am about fixing following your steps.

As far as I understand I can use the same commands in case of WD My Cloud Mirror and every time the drive reboots (My Cloud or My Cloud Mirror) the initial setting is being restored to the default WD value, am I (at least once) right?

In order to recall ‘Raphael’s setting’ I have to repeat given above commands in (via puTTY) SHH setting, right?

Taking into account the above it is pretty safe to make a test, changes in My Cloud Mirror configuration as well - I presume.

Once more a huge thank you. Now I have to repeat the action without rebooting and I will let you know of the results.

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that is funny indeed, no I’m not laughing at you but no wonder nothing worked because you have been rebooting.

update-rc.d wdphotodbmergerd disable
update-rc.d wdmcserverd disable

These were the commands to use to make them permanent, but somehow they don’t work on the latest firmware because they removed the sys-v package which contains the update-rc.d commands.

So everything you do at this time is not permanent and will reset everytime you reboot.

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that is funny indeed, no I’m not laughing at you but no wonder nothing worked because you have been rebooting.

I am laughing at me!

At least and finally some dose of better Cloud humor.

Done. After the first four commands and insertion of USB external (WD Passport) drive cable the disk was not recognized.

I pushed it by inserting the second series of commands (stop-start) restarting services and. the USB drive has been found (Web UI).

Then after a short time the connection was lost. Neither Web UI (Dashboard) access, nor local web. Same as before.

Attached USB My Passport contains about 1 TB of data.

Here are two images of puTTY command window:

Is the problem located (as usual) between my chair and a screen, or elswere?

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Things bizarre happen.

Trying update firware from a file I have got the following message. The disk has at least 3TB of free space.

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GThib, you will break your device and your support person (me) if you do everything at once.

DO NOT UPDATE FIRMWARE while we are trying to fix your USB access.

and the other problem is that you are on a different firmware then myself so I have no idea if that firmware works with your USB drive but we can try…

so let me say this again 

DO NOT UPDATE FIRMWARE while we are trying to fix your USB access.

Also I cannot see your photos until WD approves them which I think is next year… that is to protect us users from posting up **bleep**.

So whatever you have posted up, I cannot see.

and btw don’t keep issuing commands over and over…

you do this once!!

/etc/init.d/wdnotifierd stop
/etc/init.d/wddispatcherd stop
/etc/init.d/wdnotifierd start
/etc/init.d/wddispatcherd start

you need these programs to mount your USB drive… so only once… and leave it on… I repeat don’t start stop start stop start stop.

You should see your USB drive mounted in the UI and make sure you TURN OFF SLEEP… (I don’t think sleep will have an issue here but turn it off anyways).

If you lose your USB drive after “WAITING” and accessing it ok… then there is another problem… 

Tech support is signing off and heading for the gym… I’ll check into this later on tonight… but good luck. Go and read all my other posts to see if they help. Your firmware version may have a USB bug that cannot be fixed and this is a WD problem which also cannot be fixed by exchanging for another Cloud. If you can, get your refund if that is your situation.

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