Solid blue, but no dashboard

Hi, friends.

Two days ago I had a problem with my router so the units I have (3 and 4 TB) went to yellow blinking.

So far, so good.

Once the new router arrived, I tried to recover them normally, but no sucesss.

Both units behave the same. They start well after reset, pass the checks (white led) and enter the “gimme an IP” yellow blink. Once connected, the go to solid blue.

In the router, I can see the IP assigned to them, but no response if I ping those IP’s or try to open the UI.

Tryed a system only restore (40 secs), with no success. They keep the fixed IP they had before, so in some aspect, the system restorte is working only partially (does not put the unit in automatic).

While trying to recover, I observed a second IP coming from the same MAC, but with the structure instead

I kept the pre 4.0 Firmware,. as I did not like the comments about 4.xx version.

Thanks in advance for your help

the system restore should have placeed them in DHCP mode but it appears they are not getting an IP from the router

are you sure DHCP is enabled on the router? I have not seen any that this was not defailt but it is possiable

sel you PC to an IP address on the 168.x.x.x subnet then connect to the mycloud, set a static IP on the 192.x.x.x subnet

setp your PC back to the 192.x.x.x subnet and you should be able to connect

FYI, I am very satisfies with the latest FW, if you have a USB driva atached remove it 1st and leave it off until the mycloud settles down after the upgrade

Hi, Larry

Thank you very much for your suggestion.Seems to be a false positive. Not a problem with the disk but with a router modded to DD-WRT.

Funny enough, if you use any other FW both units respond properly, but if you program the router with DD-WRT Firm, bye bye…

Regards and thank you again.