Smartware disables Continuous Backup

When I set up my WDEX2 on my network in January of this year I enabled continuous backup on both of the PC’s on my network. When I recently looked at the backup tab for each PC the button in the lower right corner read “Enable Backups”. The backup mode was still set to continuous however. Is backup really disabled? If so how did the it get disabled? If backup is getting randomly disabled then I really need a more dependable means for my backup. I believe I am running the latest version of Smartware. One PC has Windows 7 and the other has Windows 8.1.

Hello, if you click on “Enable Backups” what does the software do? Normally the software wouldn’t change the backup options.

When I click on “Enable Backup” the button changes to read “Disable Backup” and the software commences doing a backup. It apparently realizes that there is a full backup present on the EX2 and it appears to just be backing up files that have been modified (At least that’s what I am hoping). I agree that the software shouldn’t change the backup options but I have noticed this before, when I was using a MYBOOKLIVE for backups before I switched to the EX2. Apparently a circumstance exists that results in the backup being disabled. I am using WD Smartware Pro version 2.4.13.