Shared link directing recipients to

Hi I am trying to share a folder of photos with family however when I create the sharing link it redirects to “My Cloud OS3 End of Service | Western Digital” rather than going to the shared folder.

Could this be due to trying on mobile?

What browser are you using and what is showing under, Shared with others? See example image below.

Did you ever get this resolved? Having same issue with folks with Android Phones. Mac, iPhones no issues!


Did anyone get resolution here? I have my cousin trying to share a file to me, but I do not have a mycloud device so I can’t create an account to view the folder. I’ve tried on my laptop and on my iphone but it redirects me to log in. Any help?


The shared folder does not seem to like mobile pages or internet explorer. If you use a laptop with chrome it should work.

Cheers and happy new year!