Setup Gen 1 My Cloud

Having problems with my first generation My Cloud, (4.xxxx Firmware), so did a System Only Factory Reset but now can’t see my device at all.

Front panel light is solid blue indicating it’s connected to my router but router doesn’t show it.

Does it restart with a default IP address? If so, anyone know what it is?

Searched WD Support but can’t find the manual for the first generation My Cloud so I can set it back up again. Can anyone point me in the right direction, I’m quite happy to start again from scratch.



There are two basic ways to setup a single bay My Cloud. One is to use the WD online website, the other is through the My Cloud Dashboard.

WD Online My Cloud Setup

How to access the Dashboard on a My Cloud (single bay) device

How to set up a My Cloud (single bay) Device Using the Dashboard

The v4.x single bay My Cloud User Manual is available from the WD Support website.

User Manual 4779-705103 (PDF) (P/N: WDBCTLxxxxxxx- 00 , FW 04.xx.xx)

Many thanks, much appreciated.

I managed to sort it by doing a 4 second reset in the end, (from the User Manual you linked to), followed by a rescan and everything is there and all working as it should.

Not sure why it locked up in the first place so will have to keep an eye on it.

Again, Many Thanks & Best Regards


I have a My Cloud Gen 1 … have owned it for about 4~5 Years

Pretty happy with it overall :slight_smile:

The only thing that bugged me though was how excruciating long it takes to index files !

If you power it off or the power goes off due to storms etc.

It begins the indexing process all over again … have left it for 2 Days, and it still was going, chirping away in the background

Thankfully, you can Stop and or Disable the idexing service by logging in via SSH and entering the commands in this link below.