Question on additional drive added to cloud

I have a cloud drive with an additional drive (Seagate backup Plus) attached to the usb drive. Over time the drive loses a connection to the cloud, and then when I get it back up it shows a new connection name. The first time it was the Seagate backup plus Drive. Then it went to Seagate backup plus drive 2. I am now up to Seagate backup plus drive 7. All the previous listings are still showing, but they can’t be removed or accessed, only the last one actually has all data. any idea what is causing this and is there any way to correct it. I am not sure if this is something the cloud did, since drive has always been attached to the cloud system.

This particular issue has been discussed at length in the past in several prior threads. The solution is to use the My Cloud Dashboard to eject the USB hard drive (and remove it). Then while still within the Dashboard access the Shares page and remove all entries for the USB hard drive share including those with the “_x” numbering. Then reconnect the USB hard drive to the My Cloud and the problem should be fixed.

Just a few past threads discussing this issue: