I have bought a western digital my cloud 8TB for storing my work information, personal photos and videos there.
On my PC I have windows 7 installed and in file explorer I have mapped a label Q: to my account on the NAS. Other family members have there accounts.
Of course I wan’t to use the cloud features that comes with that NAS but now I have som problems.
I cannot create cloud user. When I connect to the webb interface I will be promted with an email adress/password when I create the cloud user. I have several rows that describes error when generating this user. If I go to the Internet Explorer and login att mycloud.com with my e-mail address and password the only message found there is that no device found.
I cannot create cloud user. When I connect to the webb interface I will be promted with an email adress/password when I create the cloud user. I have several rows that describes error when generating this user. If I go to the Internet Explorer and login att mycloud.com with my e-mail address and password the only message found there is that no device found.
What is wrong and what can I do to make it right?
Without knowing what “several rows that describes error when generating this user” actually is all we can do is offer general suggestions.
For starters follow the steps detailed in the WD My Cloud User Manual for enabling remote access on the WD My Cloud if it is not already enabled, for granting remote access for a User, and for accessing the WD2Go.com site. The User should receive an email from WD indicating a link they should vist to continue the remote access setup for that User. Next ensure that your router is not blocking or has disabled UPnP support. You will need to access your router’s administration interface to check that UPnP is enabled or supported. If UPnP is not supported then ensure that ports 80 and 443 are forwarded to ports 8080 and 8443 respectively on the WD My Cloud. See the following WD Support document for manually configuring the WD My Cloud and certain routers for port forwarding: How to enable port forwarding on a network router for use with a WD My Cloud, My Book Live, or My Book Live Duo
Couple of additional comments. You must have Java installed and active on the PC that is to connect via the WD2Go.com site. You will receive several warning messages about security certificates when using a web browser and the WD2Go.com site, this is normal, click through the warning messages if they appear. Chrome now blocks certain aspects of Java, see this link for the workaround. And it is generally recommended to configure the WD My Cloud with a static IP, see this WD Support document for more information: How to configure a WD My Cloud or WD My Cloud EX4 drive with a Static IP
If I login as Admin and click on menu item cloud access (Molnåtkomst in swedish) for my user (hakaxh) login to WDMyCloud.com for my user failes. I know that I have an account on WDMyCloud with my e-mail address. If I click on Regiser (Registrera in swedish) it fails. Suppose because my account alreday exists! I have tried this several times and therefore I have several rows with errors:
Se below:
Status för molnåtkomst (status for cloud access)
Misslyckades (Failed)
Det går inte att etablera fjärråtkomstanslutning. Kontrollera att du är ansluten till Internet. (Cannot establish remotconnection. Check if you are connected to Internet) I Am connected to Internet.
Its saying you don’t have a connection to the internet. It also says that you don’ have a login to WDMyCloud.com.
Below is the google translate.
Status of cloud access (Status of cloud access)
Connection Status
Failed (Failed)
It is not possible to establish the remote access connection. Make sure you are connected to the Internet. (Can not Establish remotconnection. Check if you are connected to the Internet) I Am Connected to the Internet.
Are you confident that the port listed in the Wdmycloud interface on the local netowkr ( wdmycloud/ or 192.168.0.whatever) is open in your router? I had problems with mine untill i opened the port, but i could still connect at wd2go.com even with the port closed some how.