Permissions error - Windows File Explorer - WD Mycloud - Windows 7 / 8/ 10

error message.jpgHello,

I am having problems login in. I have the Mycloud set up with a guest account and user acct. They both have no password

I am able to login via Windows 8.1  file explorer in one of on computer account however in the other computer account I can not login. I get this user permissions error when I try to access the Mycloud via file explorer.

Any idea as to what is going on? I have had this problem before with windows 7 and 8.1

The problem appears to be a Windows 7 / 8.1  “file explorer” permissions problem.

It is not a problem with the Mycloud drive.

Here is a screen shot.

Facing the same issue here. I cant see all my network shares in windows explorer. and all the user access are all screwed up previously.