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Hello, I have Windows 10 installed. If I try to access my files from the WD My Cloud application all is ok. However if I try from Windows 10 Explorer I am asked for a username and password. I inserted my username but I get an error that I do not have access to WDMYCLOUD. I try putting a password to my account but again I get the same message.
Does anyone know why I can access my files from WD My Cloud app but not Windows Explorer?
Wanted to add that yesterday I was managing to access my files from Windows Explorer. Today I turned on the laptop and I cannot. So far I did not try to turn off My Cloud and on again (I would not really like that as a solution).
However if I try from Windows 10 Explorer I am asked for a username and password
I’m still using XP, but I suspect that mapping drives is still pretty much the same process…
What username and password did you use?
Have you mapped your drive into the windows file system? If so, you need to use ‘connect as other user’, and enter you MyCloud username and password. I found that I had to prefix my username with my drive name, in some way that I can’t remember (the username is actually available as a drop-down).
I did have trouble sorting out access to private shares, but, once I disconnected everything, and then connected to my private share as a MyCloud user first, then connected Public shares as the same user, all drives were available.
The only thing I haven’t managed yet is to get it to remember the username and password, so I have to enter my username and password for one private share each time I power the PC up. Thereafter, all other drives become available.
I restarted the PC, tried again and it worked. I am sure I was entering the correct username and password. Maybe I was on the wrong domain. I’ll try to post more info if this happens to me again.
And yes, it’s reporting a problem with mapping drives with different credentials. My suggestion should fix it: always connect to drives as one user, and always connect to a private share first.
I am having the same issue as well after the firmware updated today. I have done a system reset, mapped the drive and everything short of trying to roll back the firmware. I was able to add and delete files to my public share on Thursday but now I cannot. I can access them but cannot modify them in anyway.
I also have the same issue since the firmware update. I can copy a file to the drive, but cannot change an excel spreadsheet on the drive. I have to edit the document, save it to my PC, then copy it to the drive.