Not access data on my cloud - WDBCTLxxxxxxx-00

Hi everyone,
I am using a My Cloud (P/N: WDBCTLxxxxxxx-00), and the firmware of it was v04.06.00-111. Now, I just log in to UI, and cannot access data.
I tried to find some solutions to solve it, but it don’t work.
So, can anyone help me, please?
Thanks so much!

This topic should be under OS3. Have you set up your first generation WDMYCLOUD for use on your home network? If you have users and shares set up and data saved on the device, try \\WDMYCLOUD or the name you gave your device.

Are you trying to access the My Cloud Dashboard or trying to access What color is the front LED? Can you access the My Cloud Shares on the local network using Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder? Is the My Cloud directly connected to the local network router/gateway using an Ethernet cable?

Single-Bay My Cloud OS 3 Dashboard Access

You should move your thread to the correct subforum; OS3 My Cloud:

If you’re using DHCP to assign IP addresses, ensure that the My Cloud device has obtained a valid IP address from your router. You can check this by accessing your router’s admin interface and looking for the connected devices list. You can also do a network reset on your My Cloud device.

Thank @cat0w. I’m a newbie, so next time I will post questions to the right category.
@Bennor : Everything is ok. My device has 2 accounts: 1 admin and 1 user. Admin account can access data of user. However, admin account does not access owner’s data.
Can you show some solutions (step-by-step) to solve them? Adding information, I also access twonky thought IP address of device.

Not to jump over Benner but have you looked at the Help provided in the Dashboard? See example image below. Are you saying you are the admin and have the green check mark under your name as shown in the image below and you have made someone else a User too?

Remember this device can’t be used on the internet anymore and accounts using My can’t be created. This device can be used as a local home network device as I have already stated.

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I’m sorry but I do not quite understand. Is the “owner” the administrator account?

One can configure the User account to access individual Private Shares through either the Share tab or User tab of the My Cloud Dashboard.

If you are getting a specific error message when you attempt to access the My Cloud Dashboard or when accessing a My Cloud Share please post the exact error message.

The My Cloud Administrator account is denoted by the green checkmark on the user name in the User tab. For example:

One can set a Share to Private then configure the User access to that Private Share using the User Access section on the Share. For Example:

Amazing!!! I got it. Thanks to @All that supported.