New Setup of My Cloud EX2 ultra failure

I am setting up a new My Cloud EX2 Ultra. Power is blue, but brand new unused HD turned red. At first I got into the HD through MyCloud but tried to add another drive, our power went out just as the 2 drives were in the middle of setting up RAD 1. Now drives aren’t recognized by My Cloud. And, I’m at a loss as to what happened. My network settings still recognized the unit.

Note, there is a specific subforum for the EX2 Ultra where users more familiar may be able to assist.

My Cloud EX2

This subforum (My Cloud) generally discusses the single bay/single drive My Cloud units, which come preinstalled with a single hard drive.

Also consult the EX2 Ultra WD Support page where one can find the EX2 Ultra User Manual and additional WD Knowledgebase support for that device.

My Cloud EX2 Ultra