Lost access to my MyCloud EX2 Ultra

I have an old 6TB My Cloud Ex2 Ultra running in RAID 1 mode. The unit is out of warranty but the WD Red drives are new. All was working well when suddenly I lost access to it. The unit was running with the LEDs solid blue but I could not access it via finder in my Mac mini or via the browser. Also it showed in my router as being offline.

I unplugged it and plugged it back on. It started and took a long time making noise before it got quiet again. Same as before, all LEDs are solid blue but I cannot access the device.

Does any body have recommendations as to what my options are? I’m concerned about my data.
I’m thinking about buying a new one and moving the disks to it but this is likely tricky due to compatibility.

Hi @frankie4260
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

Yes @riyan_shaik , I opened a support ticket right away. I did get a response after my post here. They replied and suggested this issue could be due to internet connectivity and for me to try connecting the unit to a different ethernet port in my router. I did that and amazingly that solved the issue. Blows my mind as I had the unit plugged to the same port for years. So the unit is fine after all. Diagnostics on the control panel shows healthy. Thank you!