New device my cloud home : impossible to connect to cloud


I just bought a wdmycloud home 3TB and i’m struggling to get a working solution with the support.

My issue is that i cannot activate my device It fails every time even with the 9 digit code.

The device is blinking slowly since 1 week even after several full reset.

Network is fine (i check the dns, upnp, firewall…) and device is reachable from a windows computer (i can write files on it), but unable to activate the cloud feature.

When i look in the logs of the device, it’s always the same : errors 401 (unauthorized) and 503 (service unavailable). When the device tries to authenticate to WD servers or try to get a firware update.

I guess the firmware is too old, and due the famous security issue that occured few months ago : the device is not authorized and i cannot update it.

Can someone help me ? (i’m in touch with support since one week but no solution apprt giving some procedures to check the network that is working fine)

Here are some interestings logs of the device retrieved using this procedure : How to Check My Cloud Home Debug Logs for Errors Guided Assist

07-23 13:49:15.202 2472 2674 E restsdk : {“corid”:“8fS1-ix6D-vq3LaAKBHTg67OzGCG9y-mMwd91giC”,“file”:“api.go”,“fn”:“(*API).register”,“gitTime”:1506714706,“githash”:“5ed2432”,“importPath”:“internal/api”,“line”:1041,“msgid”:“error”,“trace”:[{“importPath”:“internal/cloud/auth”,“file”:“auth.go”,“fn”:“(*Service).Token”,“line”:137,“message”:“ 401”},{“importPath”:“internal/cloud/auth”,“file”:“cache.go”,“fn”:“(*CachingService).Token”,“line”:336},{“importPath”:“internal/cloud/device”,“file”:“device.go”,“fn”:“(*Service).Register”,“line”:316},{“importPath”:“internal/api”,“file”:“api.go”,“fn”:“(*API).register.func1”,“line”:1005,“message”:“00:00:c0:05:a8:b2”}]}
07-23 13:49:29.463 2472 2682 I restsdk : {“corid”:“QRgcuqY3QIuNzkJMUE3cwEEVYkdKE8D7XXCcj65i”,“externalPort”:49592,“file”:“api.go”,“fn”:“(*API).cloudConnectMgr.func1”,“gitTime”:1506714706,“githash”:“5ed2432”,“importPath”:“internal/api”,“line”:6958,“msgid”:“portmap port”}
07-23 13:49:47.112 2472 2715 I restsdk : {“corid”:“pokXQNXi29Glk6MYW_W6FUUp_f4ip5qN1RW750Cahh”,“frb”:10827,“gitTime”:1506714706,“githash”:“5ed2432”,“key”:“unavailable”,“method”:“POST”,“msgid”:“request”,“,“remoteAddr”:“”,“reqSize”:0,“respSize”:53,“status”**:503,”**totalTime":10868,“url”:“/sdk/v1/cloudProxy/ota/v1/version/deviceId/device_identifier”}
07-23 13:49:47.148 2472 2700 I restsdk : {“corid”:“poJJrb0Gf_ZGwzeuC-T33LLqdmHzCzkGVHOrF9X8Wn”,“frb”:33073,“gitTime”:1506714706,“githash”:“5ed2432”,“method”:“GET”,“msgid”:“request”,“proto”:“HTTP/1.1”,“remoteAddr”:“”,“reqSize”:0,“respSize”:242,“status”:200,“totalTime”:33215,“url”:“/sdk/v1/device?pretty=false”}
07-23 13:49:47.149 2451 2451 E otaclient: {“comp”:“otaclient”,“file”:“otaClient.go”,“fn”:“(*OtaClient).runCloudVersionCheck”,“githash”:“”,“importPath”:“internal/otaclient”,“line”:310,“msgid”:“error”,“time”:“2023-07-23T13:49:47.149Z”,“trace”:[{“importPath”:“internal/cloud”,“file”:“ota.go”,“fn”:“parseVersionResponse”,“line”:146},{“importPath”:“internal/otaclient”,“file”:“otaClient.go”,“fn”:“(*OtaClient).versionInfo”,“line”:475},{“importPath”:“internal/otaclient”,“file”:“otaClient.go”,“fn”:“(*OtaClient).runCloudVersionCheck”,“line”:310}]}
07-23 13:49:47.149 2451 2451 E otaclient: {“comp”:“otaclient”,“file”:“otaClient.go”,“fn”:“(OtaClient).runCloudVersionCheck",“githash”:“”,“importPath”:“internal/otaclient”,“line”:310,“msgid”:“error”,“time”:“2023-07-23T13:49:47.149Z”,“trace”:[{“importPath”:“internal/cloud”,“file”:“ota.go”,“fn”:“parseVersionResponse”,“line”:146,“message”:"vendor/ RespToError(), 503 Service Unavailable\r\nContent-Length: 53\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nDate: Sun, 23 Jul 2023 13:49:47 GMT\r\n\r\n{"key":"unavailable","message":"**Service Unavailable*”}“},{“importPath”:“internal/otaclient”,“file”:“otaClient.go”,“fn”:”(*OtaClient).versionInfo",“line”:475},{“importPath”:“internal/otaclient”,“file”:“otaClient.go”,“fn”:“(*OtaClient).runCloudVersionCheck”,“line”:310}]}

Is this a new device? Is the device located in a country that WD does not support? One should give complete information on the state of the device. There is conflicting info given. If one can write files onto the My Cloud Home (MCH) from the local network, then it should have been activated previously. If this MCH is used, it may require a 60 second reset. It is not clear what is meant by a full reset, it may mean different things to different users. If the device is used, it may have been damaged.

If this is a firmware update problem, look at the OTA update debug file. The device may need more than 7 days for the update to latest firmware.


This is a new device located in France, I bought it in store. It was a genuine new device. Already done twice a 60s + reset and device online since more than 7 days.

All the logs of the OTA are mentioning unauthorized or service unavailable……so I guess the issue is more on wd side.

Unfortunately the log you posted is lacking. What you should be looking for is the ota_install.log that you are not showing. That will tell you the past and present versions and whether any firmware was downloaded and installed. If you don’t see the folder, then your MCH was probably never updated in the last few months.

Look under


and check the current firmware. There may be instances where an old firmware will not be able to contact the WD servers. You can ask WD support if that is the case.

You should also be looking at your router and ISP service and whether your UpNP router is actually compatible - just because a router says it is UpNP capable and you turned it on, doesn’t mean it is compatible.



Name: debug\ota\

Name: 3bf9.......358_ota_install.log

By upnp I mean a redirection is there in the router from port 49592 to port 443 to the drive. We see also in the logs that the drive is able to access to internet. (Error code 401 or 503 received)

No OTA log visible.

Ticket created to support but it’s quite long to get an answer :frowning:

Hi. Did you manage to solve this issue?


Support told me device is too old : made in 2018.
Firmware is too old and cannot be updated.
I got refunded by the dealer and I bought a new one to Synology.

This is just crazy and stupid.

OMG! Is this really happening? This is definitely my last time to buy ANYTHING from WD. Absolutely the worst company and the worst support in the world. You get a better technical support at a flea market.

Thank you for reporting back on your progress. WDC has not made the 3TB HDD for a while and this My Cloud Home was obviously old stock sitting on the shelf for 5 years which the dealer should have returned to WDC some time ago to be refurbished.

I am not sure what you are complaining about. The OP got his money back after he filed a ticket and or chatted with WD Support. I don’t know any flea market that would have done that.

I bought this device in another country and it wasn’t very cheap (8tb version). Yes, I was aware that it might happen that this device might be broken and etc., but I wasn’t even thinking that relatively new device will be discontinued after only a few years. To be honest, I do not care much about (not so) My Cloud feature. If I could access this device offline, it would be enough for me and I wouldn’t write this post. However, it seems that they managed to fail at this point as well.

Western Digital has not declared that the My Cloud Home is being discontinued, but most buyers know that this device is getting old as it was first introduced more than 5 years ago and may be near its EOL (end of life) cycle and because some features such as WD Discovery have been deprecated.

This thread is about one instance of a new MCH that apparently is a very old stock (sitting on the shelf) for more than 5 years with a firmware that couldn’t be activated. There are newer stocks of MCH that are being sold with newer firmware that can be activated without problem (after a few days).

If you are buying the MCH outside of the USA, please be sure to buy from a reputable dealer that is an authorized reseller for Western Digital.

This one was bought from the reputable seller outside US (to be more precise, in Swiss). I did not know that WD support is US exclusive. Last time I checked, they were an international conpany.
In any case, this issue shows the downfall of once reputable company. Their customer support asked me to send debug logs more than 4 days ago and I’m still waiting for their answer. Live chat is mostly useless because they have no idea what you are talking about. I’ve been dealing with tech supports earlier, but to be honest, I never seen anything like this.
Do you really think that if you buy an iPhone or some cheap Chinese phone, it will not be able to get activated or used?

I suggest you ask for a refund to your dealer. Better than loosing your time… On wd support site you can check the guarantee status. Mine was out of warranty even if it was new. I bought it in Darty in France and I got my money back without any issue before 14 days after the purchase. I also think the dealer has a responsibility in that issue : they should not sell such old devices that will never work.