Hi all, I just want to share some custom apps I’m using in my devices. Perharps someone may find them useful too.
You need to follow instructions from the post: WD MyCloud Gen2 - Enable apps install tab + Apps!, to enable app instalation.
Very special thanks to Fox_exe
WDMyCloud_Adminer_4.2.5.bin – MySQL management in a single PHP file
WDMyCloud_pawfaliki_0.5.2.bin – Wiki in a single PHP file
WDMyCloud_phormer_3.3.1.bin – PHP-Based PhotoGallery Manager whitout MySQL
WDMyCloud_phpMyAdmin_4.0.10.18.bin – Updated and repacked from WD app
WDMyCloud_phpSysInfo_3.2.6-1.bin – PHP script that displays information about your system nicely
WDMyCloud_Sitebar_3.bin – Bookmark Server
WDMyCloud_Transmission_2.92-1.bin – Repacked from WD app, fixed configure web button
WDMyCloud_WordPress_4.7.bin – Updated and repacked from WD app
(more apps and updates in the repo)
Execute putty.exe, make sure it’s on ssh mode and port 22, then write the ip or hostname of the MyCloud device you want to connect to and press “Open” button. Use “root” as user and the password you setup when enable the ssh server before.
You are now logged in the device and can follow the instruccions to enable the app installer in the other post: http://community.wd.com/t/wd-mycloud-gen2-enable-apps-install-tab-apps/177885
No worries . You can right click when the file it’s open in the browser and you should see an “Save as” option somewhere there.
The “local” thing in the commands is a directory name, so you should type/copy-paste them as is (and double ckeck they are identical before pressing return).
MediaWiki 1.23.15 it’s now in the repo and I made some fixes in other apps:
WDMyCloud_MediaWiki_1.23.15.bin – You need to copy the generated config to “/mnt/HD/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/MediaWiki/web”. Subsequent updates/reinstalls will preserve the config.
WDMyCloud_pawfaliki_0.5.2-2.bin – now uses symlinks
WDMyCloud_phormer_3.3.1-1.bin – now uses symlinks
WDMyCloud_phpSysInfo_3.2.6-2.bin – now uses symlinks
WDMyCloud_Sitebar_3-1.bin – now uses symlinks, fixed config preservation during updates/reinstalls.
for model in WDMyCloudEX4 WDMyCloudEX2 WDMyCloudMirror WDMyCloud WDMyCloudEX4100 WDMyCloudDL4100 WDMyCloudEX2100 WDMyCloudDL2100 WDMyCloudMirrorGen2
echo “Making package for $model…”
…/mksapkg -E -s -m $model >/dev/null
I recently bought the WDMC gen 2. I’ve successfully installed @Fox_exe 's mods. However, I wish to play with the Milestone Arcus app but I can’t find it for WDMC. From the other thread, looks like we can repackage the app from other WD NAS, but I lack the knowledge to make one. Could you please tell me how to do the repackaging?
Besides, can we remove the default transmission in the firmware?
You’re welcome @B30nda I repacked the app and tested it a little bit, it’s in the repo now.
I also added two widget/apps with twitter and facebook timelines from WD, just for the lol
New app in the repo WDMyCloud_CustomAppList_0.2.bin which it’s a “works for me™” hack to make the app installation list to work in Mycloud Gen2.
Install it as a normal app then refresh the apps web page and press the “+”, a list of apps in my repo should appear . To force update the list just disable and enable again CustomAppList in the web ui and refresh the web.
@Fox_exe can I add the apps in your server to that list too? Thanks.
Just want to report that Milestone Arcus worked perfectly in gen 2, though I have some hard time to play with the setting as my onvif ipcam is not in their official supported list
Thanks for the help hashashin
Btw, could you please also make the Aria2 an app for gen2
Hi @B30nda,[quote=“B30nda, post:19, topic:190332”]
Btw, could you please also make the Aria2 an app for gen2
I’m glad it’s working, about Aria2 that’s not like the others apps, repack and go or simple web apps. That means cross compile and so.
Not fun
But there’s a cool chroot way thanks to @Fox_exe. You can install aria2 server in the chroot, then I can make the webui of aria2 as app for the MyCloud device, fair enough? No ETA but I can do that if you want to.