Please note: WD does not support installing 3rd party apps on the WD My Cloud. If you do, you do so at your own risk, and doing so can cause the UI and other things to break on Firmware Version 4.0.   Bill_S






finally the solution i made if u have permission denied error when u try to run a new exe or delete a dir u just download


1. make a txt file and put this 2 commands:


   cd /DataVolume/ 

   chmod 777 -R shares


2. name it like commands.txt and place it on safe locatiion like on c:/ 


3.make a putty shortcut on desktop


4.right click properties 


5 on destinanation line add this after putty.exe:

(putty.exe) -ssh root@ipaddressofurcloud -pw passworduloginonssh -m pathofcommand.txt


here is a copy of mine: C:\Users\spiti\Downloads\putty.exe -ssh root@ -pw welc0me -m C:\commands.txt


6.click aplly and thats it


so when u dl something new you must only run the shortcut.


dont worry if when u run the shortcut open putty for seconds and close after writing using username “root” it is ok and working


i know its not perfect put is acceptable 


works both for transmission and pyload permission problems


pm me if anyone have problems on this







Here’s another simple to follow guide. Just copy and paste the lines in the code boxes and you will have Pyload running in no time

This type of modification is done at your own risk and will void the warranty of the drive

Tools needed: PuTTY (Windows) Terminal (Mac)

SSH Enabled

Username: root

Password: welc0me

Now we start

Update the sid packages list

apt-get update

 install python(Single line)

apt-get install screen mercurial python-openssl python-crypto python-pycurl python-imaging tesseract-ocr

 move to opt folder

cd /opt/

 download pyload

wget http://get.pyload.org/static/pyload-src-v0.4.9.zip

 unzip pyload

unzip pyload-src-v0.4.9.zip

 move to pyload folder

cd pyload

 run pyload setup

python pyLoadCore.py -s

  SAMPLE of the setup

Do you want to change the config path? Current is /opt/share/pyload_config
If you use pyLoad on a server or the home partition lives on an iternal flash it may be a good idea to change it.
Change config path? (y/[n]): n

Do you want to configure login data and basic settings?
This is recommend for first run.
Make basic setup? ([y]/n): y

## Basic Setup ##

The following logindata is valid for CLI, GUI and webinterface.
Username [User]: ananias47
Password (again):

External clients (GUI, CLI or other) need remote access to work over the network.
However, if you only want to use the webinterface you may disable it to save ram.
Enable remote access ([y]/n): n

Language ([en], de, fr, it, es, nl, sv, ru, pl, cs, sr, pt_BR): en
Downloadfolder [Downloads]: /DataVolume/shares/Public
Max parallel downloads [3]: 3
Use Reconnect? (y/[n]): y
Reconnect script location [./reconnect.sh]: HIT ENTER HERE

Do you want to configure ssl?
Configure ssl? (y/[n]): n

Do you want to configure webinterface?
Configure webinterface? ([y]/n): y

## Webinterface Setup ##

Activate webinterface? ([y]/n): y

Listen address, if you use or localhost, the webinterface will only accessible locally.
Address []: HIT ENTER HERE
Port [8000]: 8000

pyLoad offers several server backends, now following a short explanation.
builtin: Default server, best choice if you dont know which one to choose.
threaded: This server offers SSL and is a good alternative to builtin.
fastcgi: Can be used by apache, lighttpd, requires you to configure them, which is not too easy job.
lightweight: Very fast alternative written in C, requires libev and linux knowlegde.
        Get it from here: https://github.com/jonashaag/bjoern, compile it
        and copy bjoern.so to module/lib

Attention: In some rare cases the builtin server is not working, if you notice problems with the webinterface
come back here and change the builtin server to the threaded one here.
Server ([builtin], threaded, fastcgi, lightweight): threaded

Setup finished successfully.
Hit enter to exit and restart pyLoad




now if you want pyload to auto-unrar files you must install unrar script otherwise dont work the ExtractArchive


Backup your sources.list file

cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak

 Add a source to the sources.list

echo deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ jessie main >> /etc/apt/sources.list

 Add another source

echo deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ wheezy non-free >> /etc/apt/sources.list

 Update your package lists

apt-get update

 Install the required programs…Type  y  when asked if you would like to proceed with the installation and hit enter

apt-get install par2 unrar

And finally let’s revert the changes made to sources list

mv -f /etc/apt/sources.list.bak /etc/apt/sources.list

Auto start script (MANY THANKS TO MICHIIL):

create init.d script:

nano /etc/init.d/pyload

 Copy paste this code :

# Provides: pyload
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start pyLoad.
# Description: Start pyLoad.

#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/pyload


export USER HOME

case "$1" in
echo "Starting pyLoad"
screen -dmS pyload python /opt/pyload/pyLoadCore.py

echo "Stopping pyLoad"
screen -S pyload -X quit

echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/pyload {start|stop}"
exit 1

exit 0

 press “contr + o” to save and “contr + x” to exit.

now give the file the right permissions and make it autostart:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/pyload

update-rc.d pyload defaults

 Start pyload daemon ( pay attension when you paste the code because on me was pasted wrong it is better to write it)


cd /opt/pyload

python pyLoadCore.py --daemon

screen -dmS pyload python /opt/pyload/pyLoadCore.py

 Access is now possible to pyLoad web interface:  http://wdmycloudip:8000


Login and at the TOP RIGHT CORNER it should say Plugins updated, please restart!

Go to the right corner it says Administrate Then click restart pyload and ok








Thanks for sharing with the users and letting then know that they will install this on their own risk.

Good info.

here is how you start pyload on boot:

create init.d script:

nano /etc/init.d/pyload

 insert this:

# Provides: pyload
# Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $remote_fs $syslog
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Start pyLoad.
# Description: Start pyLoad.

#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/pyload


export USER HOME

case "$1" in
echo "Starting pyLoad"
screen -dmS pyload python /opt/pyload/pyLoadCore.py

echo "Stopping pyLoad"
screen -S pyload -X quit

echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/pyload {start|stop}"
exit 1

exit 0

 press “contr + o” to save and “contr + x” to exit.

now give the file the right permissions and make it autostart:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/pyload

update-rc.d pyload defaults

 and thats it (:

1 Like

This is great, works like a charm! Thanks a lot


I included the init.d script, but after a My Cloud reboot, pyload wasn’t running anymore…

I’ve tried restarting the service with the following:

python /opt/pyload/pyLoadCore.py --daemon

screen -dmS pyload python /opt/pyload/pyLoadCore.py

/etc/init.d/pyload start

But I never manage to get pyload working again (by using the “top” command it is clearly visible that it isn’t working, there’s not even ‘python’ in the list…)

Anybody got any idea what I’m doing wrong?

PS: I’ve tried running the setup again but it didn’t seem to have any effect



finally the solution i made if u have permission denied error when u try to run a new exe or delete a dir u just download


1. make a txt file and put this 2 commands:


   cd /DataVolume/ 

   chmod 777 -R shares


2. name it like commands.txt and place it on safe locatiion like on c:/ 


3.make a putty shortcut on desktop


4.right click properties 


5 on destinanation line add this after putty.exe:

(putty.exe) -ssh root@ipaddressofurcloud -pw passworduloginonssh -m pathofcommand.txt


here is a copy of mine: C:\Users\spiti\Downloads\putty.exe -ssh root@ -pw welc0me -m C:\commands.txt


6.click aplly and thats it


so when u dl something new you must only run the shortcut.


dont worry if when u run the shortcut open putty for seconds and close after writing using username “root” it is ok and working


i know its not perfect put is acceptable 


works both for transmission and pyload permission problems


pm me if anyone have problems on this





Can anyboby help with newest firmware 4xxx? pyLoad is awesome on our Cloud :wink:

Thanks for the guide.

 While putting it to practice a few things I found:

  1. You can install the dependencies from the stable repository (which is safer an decreases the probability of breaking packages in the long run). Pyload 4.9  base is from 2011-12 anyway. See also point 5.
  2. mercurial is only necessary if you wish to clone pyLoad from the repository, not in the scenario you propose.
  3. tesseract-ocr and dependencies are 80MB worth of space. Considering it’s capability to effectively recognize captchas is limited I have my doubts it’s worth it.
  4. A debian package ( CLI only version - pyload-cli-v0.4.9-all.deb) is available which creates/installs it’s own init.d (startup) script, so this perhaps this is the best starting point.
  5. There is an optional package you do not mention - seamonkey javascript engine from Firefox - which is only available for armhf from Wheezy main repository ( package seamonkey-bin).
  6. seamonkey-bin effectively has a non declared dependecy which you must satisfy by installing package  libnspr4. It will not work otherwise.
  7. There is seemingly no particular reason to install things in /opt, that seems to be an idea you got from optware instructions(?). In My Cloud it’s perhaps more logical to use /usr/share.

Summing this up. The best installation option as far as I can see would be:

  1. Install the dependencies from wheezy stable, excluding mercurial and including seamonkey-bin and libnspr4
  2. Install pyload-cli-v0.4.9-all.deb as available from the program homepage
  3. Run “python /usr/share/pyload/pyLoadCore.py -s” for initial setup and firing up of the webui.

When i installed pyload on firmware 4 i have errors:

Errors were encountered while processing:

















E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Anybody can help?

did someone test it with FW 4.0?

To solve issues with Folder and files Permisions with PYLOAD these are the steps to solve it:

connect with SSL to WDMYCLOUD

cd  /root/.pyload 

edit Pyload.conf and replace the values 0644 and 0655 with 0777 in the two lines like this: 

str file : “Filemode for Downloads” = 0777

str folder : “Folder Permission mode” = 0777

Save and restart Pyload.

That’s all

1 Like


I have same problem now. After installing PyLoad works great but after restart WD My Cloud not working and reinstal also didn’t working.

How did you resolve it? Thx.

Edit: I found the solution. Problem was on location of .pyload folder with configuraion files. Default locatin was root/.pyload. After chaged this location to my Public folder now PyLoad works great.