Mybook Problem

My book live 2T was unreachable. I open the box. Try to connect to a pc as 2nd hard drive. In windows it shows Hard disk need to be formated. In Red Hat It show the hard drive but not readable. I reconnected with WD My book board. It shows some time green led, some time yellow led. but Ip scanner cannot find it.
I thought WD controller board is bad. I disconnected the HD from board and powered board. It shows Red light. Please help.


Sorry to hear that. Did you tried resetting the drive using the reset button on the back of the unit.

See if the following links helps:

Dear ERMorel

Thanks. It looks like that reset button does not work. I don’t know, should
i keep pressing for certain time or not. IP Scanner cannot find the device
and it is the shocking. I can’t get to road of SSH. Which means WD board is
faulty. This version of mybook does not have usb so no alternative is
