I used my My Cloud in France with an SFR router without problems
Just moved tot Holland and connected my MyCloud to the new KPN router (Experiabox V10)
The led on the divice is showing blue constantly
However, the device is NOT found and my WD My Cloud application does not connect anymore.
Is there anybody who can help
What troubleshooting steps have you tried? Have you tried a 40 second reset? Are you sure the new ISP in Holland allows for inbound connections on ports 80/443? Have you tried manually setting the ports in the My Cloud Dashboard and enabling port forwarding (to the My Cloud) within the network router?
Hi Bennor,
I did not reset My Cloud yet, because I’m not sure that that solves the problem
I just want to use it als a storage in my LAN with multiple devices and I’m nogt interested in connecting MyCloud by the internet.
The dashboard can’t be used, si I can’t verifie which ports are chosen. I don’t have found ristrictions on ports in the manual.
There is a lot af data on MyCloud ; using the 40 seconds reset, will those date be safe and accessible after resetting?
A reset, 4 seconds or 40 seconds, does not affect user data/files. see the following WD Support Knowledgebase article that details what is reset to default with each type of reset.