My Cloud Web Access Timeout

I have several videos that are 1 to 2 hours long. When I stream fom MyCloud (Firmware Version : 2.21.126) to my DLNA television, they stop after the amount of time set in the parameter Settins/General/Energy Saver/Web Access Timeout of the admin desktop. Since the maximum setting in this parameter is 30 minutes, I can not watch the full video , which is very annoying. I have submitted this problem to support and their response was use port forwarding. This makes no sense to me and I have asked them to review this again. Any help out there?

I ended up getting an RMA from my Gen1 POS for the Gen2 with same FW. I haven’t begun to try streaming… and wondering why my setting only goes to 9 minutes? Oh and IDK why support would tell you to use port forwarding when you’re on the same internal local network! I have hugely disgusted with their technical support… They have done absolutely nothing to help!

What happens if you set the Web Access Timeout to off (if it can be turned off)?

Don’t recall anyone else reporting this particular issue (video timing out due to web access timeout setting) recently. Perhaps do a 40 second reset if the firmware was recently updated as another troubleshooting step. Not sure why the web access timeout would affect watching video via the local network using a DLNA client. Only when watching video via remote access could I see it possibly being an issue.

Unfortunately, therer does not appear to be an OFF.

Ah I see. I don’t have a gen 2 My Cloud only a gen 1. I assume that web access time out value resides in one of the config files like many other Dashboard value settings that one can typically access using SSH. Downside is that config file might be overwritten each time the My Cloud is rebooted unless one does a CRON job (or something along those lines that is mentioned in other discussions), or compiled their own version of the v2.x firmware.

I too, as Bennor, own the 1st generation, not the 2nd. I did look at the user manual and found no information on this even though it is shown in the image.

What does the Dashboard provide about this in the information? How about Dashboard Help does it provide any information for the setting?

Have looked at both and there is basically nothing. Have also checked googled topic = nothing

May or may not apply to the single bay/single drive My Cloud v2.x units, but from the my Cloud Mirror Gen 2 User Manual ( there is this explanation on page 81 of that setting:

Web Access Timeout
Automatically logs you out of the system after a designated amount of time.
• From the Web Access Timeout drop-down menu, select an amount of time you’d like to use for your system timeout. The system updates automatically.

I would start by digging around using SSH to see if there is a specific setting for this option in one of the config files. Chances are that value is being set/stored somewhere in a config file and perhaps there is an explanation in that config file, or way to change that value to prevent being logged out.

It is the same, but 30 minutes is max setting. Afraid I know nothing about SSH.

Google is your friend.

I might suggest setting the timeout to be zero.

Timeout = zero is excellent idea if it was an option.
Google is my friend, but I don’t wish to start a new career right now.

Then you’d better try WD Support again. Try to get past the first line of idiots.

I didn’t want a career as unpaid customer service, but I seem to have ended up being used that way.

If you are using a browser for your MyCloud Web access, then use an auto-refresh plugin.

I use the Firefox plugin called “Tab Auto Refresh”. It installs and allows you to set a timer that auto refreshes your connection to whichever tab you point to.

I choose the Tab that has Mycloud running on it, set it and walk away.

I use it because I transfer really large files from mycloud at home to other places and don’t want it timing out after 30 min. I set my refresher for 10 min intervals and it seems to work fine.