[My Cloud Home] How to get latest firmware?

New owner here. My Cloud Home is connected to 100mbps fibre internet. I’ve rebooted the device multiple times, but I’m still on 4.4.1-105.

(This device seems a major step backwards in configurability than my old “My Cloud” with the web interface. I cannot even set a static IP on the device, or login via ssh or via a web interface.)

Any tips please?

Hello there,

You will be most likely disappointed by this device, especially if you are used to a proper NAS, as most of us are all on this forum.

Regarding update, your firmware if more than 2 years old (https://support.wdc.com/download/notes/WD_My_Cloud_Home_Firmware_Release_Notes.html). When I first got it 2 years ago it automatically updated on first start.
If you can log into it through mycloud.com, it looks like it is properly configurated. You should wait, update happens at night usually.

You will go through a data migration process because the firmware is old.

If you bought it second hand, I would try a reset first (and erase all data on it).

Good luck.


Thank you for your reply. The device is brand new, but the firmware is from 30 January 2018. Hopefully it updates overnight.

UPDATE: I left it overnight. Nothing. Rebooted again. Nothing. Still 4.4.1-105.

As it’s only new and not much data on there, I used the Erase All Data option in the settings (i.e. reset the device to factory settings). When it started up it had 7.4.0-116 installed. Not everyone has the option to erase everything and start over, but this info might help someone.

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