I have the My Cloud EX2 Ultra hardware.
The version of the firmware is 2.40.144
The system states that I am on the current version.
I would like to eventually upgrade to OS 5 and here is where the confusion starts:
I’ve read two different WD articles, One states that OS 5 is compatible with my device and another article omits my device completely.
Next, there is this requirement
The device must be on the 2.41.106 firmware to update to My Cloud OS 5
So my questions are,
Is my device compatible with OS 5?
How do I get to firmware version 2.41.106?
From my understanding, you should be able to. It is similar to the idea of installing a profile on an Apple device to then access the beta updates. Except in this case, if you upgrade to OS 5, there is no ability to downgrade.
Hello @Brown1: updating to 2.41.106, will enable you to update to the My Cloud OS 5 firmware. 2.41.106 is still a My cloud OS 3 firmware. My Cloud EX2 Ultra is a supported device.
My Cloud OS 5: Feature Differences Between My Cloud OS3 and OS5
Answer ID 29389
Combined with the problems that I have encountered using OS5 now, I regret upgrading to OS5. Obviously OS3 is more stable and easier to use.
The OS5 at the local network level seems like an ok update. There are a number of tweaks to the functionality that enhance the unit. Two examples: No longer attempts to index USB drives when inserted (This is a BIG deal if the USB drive has 4TB of photos on it) ; The NAS now consistently appears in the “network” section of Win10 File Explorer.
Not sure of the security enhancements. . . but they say there are some. The units from what I read. . .need this.
The OS5 web app - as far as it goes - is nice; and seems to work better than the OS3 app. . .but it seems very unfinished; less professional (i.e. geared to non-sophisticated users) and loses notable functionality compared to the OS3 app (i.e. the copy command).
In terms of problems. . … meh. . .a few minor ones. Nothing earthshattering.
The Local Web dashboard is VERY similar to OS3. Some of the functionality has been tweaked (for the better). The real differences are (1) under the hood; and (2) The whole web app thing.
I also just updated to 5.04.114. I lost my Transmission install and I’m wondering if there is a way to get that back. I’m able to download the files linked here but when I attempt to instal I receive an error advising * Incomplete app download. Please check your device’s Internet connection and try again.
I’ve just noticed that the total available space on NAS does not include the free space from the attached USB drive.
Before the upgrade, the total available space DID include the free space on the attached USB drive.
My attached USB drive is an WD Elements 8tb drive.
It would be nice to get this functionality back, one place to look for space available.