Cannot upgrade to firmware 2.41.116

I have a WD My Cloud P/N WDBCTL0030HWT-10. According to the instructions on the web to upgrade to My Cloud Os 5 I should and would be able to install firmware 2.41.116. I have downloaded the file “My_Cloud_GLCR_2.41.116.bin” and tried the Manual Update. But the program refused to install it. I do not know what I did wrong.

My current firmware is 5.17.107

Your device is already running the OS5 firmware. The v5.x firmware is OS5.

The OS5 V5.x firmware is later/newer than the OS3 v2.x firmware. WD has indicated one cannot officially downgrade to the OS3 firmware once upgraded to the OS5 firmware.

My Cloud OS 5: How to Update From My Cloud OS 3

One Way Migration

IMPORTANT35pxx45px Important: Upgrading to My Cloud OS 5 is a one Way Migration.
There will no option to revert back to OS 3.

Thank you very much for your information. I was mistaken because I received an email saying: " Your device isn’t compatible with critical security updates that are only available for My Cloud OS5-compatible devices"!