My Cloud App connectivity lost

Got my my cloud in November. Today has been the second time since then, that app connectivity is down. The first time it lasted a week. It’s been all day today. I gave up on calling customer support. They can’t grasp what I am telling them as their script does not include it.

Everything on my end is fine. it’s not a firewall or isp problem. The network drive is functioning 100%. Their gateway from my drive to their servers and back to my app is down!!! I don’t know how to get support on this. Frustrating.

The service seems to be up. Are you still having the issue?

still down.

that is the my cloud app not the my cloud home. That message indicates the drive itself is off line not the my cloud service. Do you have internet connectivity for the my cloud itself? I would start with checking the my cloud and ensure it is online and running.

thanks Dr.

So, I can access the drive from all my media players and mac and pc on the network. I have internet access. I can’t access remotely as in the app via android or apple.

Try toggling Cloud Access off/on. If your router resets, and is given a new IP address by your ISP, the MyCloud can’t recover. Worth checking your router’s log/uptime.