Just bought a My Cloud EX2 Ultra and filled it with content. I am able to reach everything from my PC and can connect through a browser with the “admin”-account. So far so good. I also have a WD TV and I find my device on my network when searching for it. When I try to connect it prompts for username and password. I type the correct account (“admin”) and the password and get an error message back. Invalid username or password. It is not. I typed it correct. Any ideas? I also tried a new user and tried to connect with that user. Same issue. I can connect to My Cloud with an app on my phone. All content is visible. I try to open a file with VLC. All good. When trying to stream it to my TV it sends only sound. No picture. Any ideas there?
Please refer to the following KBA article: Error
Hi Chris
You misunderstand me. My only problem now is to connect from my old WD TV to my new NAS after upgrade to OS5.
Is that still possible or not?
Per Svedenbring
Löparstigen 13
137 54 Tungelsta
Nihil est — in vita priore ego imperator Romanus fui
Keep in mind , all WD TV Media Players only support SMB1.0 because they are old and are no longer updated.
If your My Cloud EX2 Ultra and or Operating System are using SMB2 or SMB3 then they won’t connect to the WD TV.
Not sure which device you’re talking about ? … anyways, if your TV is playing back the sound but not the picture, then time to check the Video Codec of the file and see if your TV supports it. eg. if the video codec is HEVC(H.265) and you’re TV does not support decoding it, then you’ll only get sound, but no picture.
Thanks, that solved it. I enabled SMB1 on my NAS and it was already enabled on Win10. Now it works Ok.
Best regards
Per Svedenbring
Löparstigen 13
137 54 Tungelsta
Nihil est — in vita priore ego imperator Romanus fui
Good to hear … mark it as Solved (should be an icon below the post)