My Cloud 3TB firmware update failed and Quick Restore is extremely slow

I installed the WD My Cloud software for my PC, made connection with the My Cloud (3 TB) dashboard, and then tried to update the firmware to the latest version.  Did a manual update first and it failed with message “Upgrade was not successful. (370006)” . Tried an automatic update and the same thing happened.

I perused the posts in the community board and found one that indicated that I should try a Quick Factory Reset first, then do the firmware update.  I tried the Quick Reset from the dashboard, and it seemed to work initially, but soon halted with messages saying “Updating”, “Factory Restore successful” and “Device is rebooting” .  There is a moving animation next to the last message, so it appears to be doing something, but it’s been 3 hours since I started the Quick Reset.

How long should I wait before trying to abort this?  5 hours? 10 hours?

Should I have tried the Quick Reset at all ?  Would there be some other way to make the firmware update work?



did you refresh the browser window? it was probably up in a few minutes after the reboot.

is this a new device? anything been done in SSH , installing 3rd party apps etc?

After letting it run overnight, I refreshed the browser and discovered it had in fact rebooted. You were exactly right.
