So a quick background : for a while, I was getting notifications on my MyCloud app and dashboard that I need to upgrade to OS5.
Finally when I actually was doing so, my MyCloud just stopped working in the middle of the process. Here are some of the ’ symptoms’:
hard drive can’t be detected
blinking blue light (fast) for a few days now
dashboard not accessible
I have some important files that were not backed up on the process. I would have just stayed on the OS3 version if I have known this is going to happen. Thanks.
May want to dig through the following WD Knowledge Base Article on OS5 to see if any of the compiled articles apply to your situation. It sounds like you may be experiencing the “indexing” issue that cripples and renders unusable some My Cloud devices when they’re updated to OS5.
I’ve had the same problem and have been going back and forth with WD support trying every troubleshooting trick they offer. Did you ever get this resolved? I feel I could have written your post myself!