How to watch movie outside of home network?

Helo all
I would like to watch movies from another notebook or TV from outside meu home network.
I have storage some movies in MyCloud. I set a new user (my brother) to access the Cloud.
He can see all file in folder movie, but when he watch, the WD page open a box to download the movie to a local folder(.mkv, for example)…
Please, how can I watch without download the file to a local folder? I need install somethcing? what?

How is your brother accessing the My Cloud? Using Or one of the My Cloud apps or software? Does the brother’s computer or device have a program assigned as the default media player for the media file?

One can try using WD Desktop to access the media file on the remote My Cloud if using a Windows or Mac PC. When one double clicks on a media file within the WD Desktop application it should attempt to play the media file using the computer’s default media player. One may have to use a third party media player like VLC as well if the existing default media player on the computer doesn’t start playing the media file automatically…

WD Desktop Windows:
WD Desktop Mac:

Perfect after install wdMYCloud.
It’s working right now.
Do you know if is possible a TV, in another City access the movies at WDCloud?

If you can access your MyCloud remotely, from anywhere, and play movies, it will be possible to do it from anywhere else on the internet, provided the access point doesn’t block the ports required to communicate, and provided the uplink rate from your MyCloud to the internet, and the downlink rate from the internet to your remote device are adequate to handle the video stream.

I assumed that by

you meant that you have successfully accessed it remotely, and are able to stream movies, from somewhere remote from your network.

[edit: I missed the fact that you want to view movies on a TV. I agree with Bennor’s answer below]

Officially? No there is no official WD method for allowing a smart TV in a remote location to access the single bay/single drive My Cloud.

Unofficially there are a number of possible ways to try and do so. First would be to setup a VPN network connection between the local network where the TV resides and the remote network where the My Cloud resides. Use your favorite internet search engine to search for “VPN” and how to set one up between two different networks.

Another unofficial way is to use Plex on the single bay/single My Cloud and then use Plex Pass on the smartTV if it supports adding the Plex client. Plex is not supported on the single bay/single drive My Cloud bu there are several discussions (use the forum search feature, magnifying glass icon upper right) on how to install Plex using SSH.

I missed the ‘TV’ bit…

Thank you so much, Bennor.

Hi I know two ways how to watch a movie. The first way is the easiest to download the movie to your phone and watch somewhere outside the house, but I agree this is past century, nobody does that anymore. I think in our time it is doesn’t need. There are quite online services with movies for every taste, on some you can even watch movies offline, it’s not uncommon. I for example use free movie site , my friend advised me, and since then I use it and fully satisfied. Now I advise you.