WD Mycloud doesnt play movies

I have a WD my cloud 3TB at home. I have put 2 movies on this thing. MPG. At home I can connect directle to this thing and view these movies. With my TV and also with my laptop.
Now I try to see these movies over the internet:
1: smartphone app and tablet app: I can enter the directory, but the movie doesn’t start. It keeps showing that little circle-thing that turns around…
2: laptop (WD Mycloud): I can enter the directory but when i select a movie the Windows media Player tells me there is something wrong wihe the file.
I searched the topics, but cannot find this topic.

What is wrong?

Have you set up remote access and created a MyCloud.com login? See the Help (?) information provided in the Dashboard. See image below. Click, tap or activate image to enlarge it.

If you are away from home, on wifi or have internet connection, have a browser on your device, have a mycloud.com account, the proper app to play the video, you should be able to watch it on your smartphone, tablet or computer.


Well I have a browser and a mycoud.com account on my smartphone, but I don’t seem to have the proper app to play the video.
The same goes for my laptop. Her it is the windows media player that doesn’t work. However when I am at home my laptop connects direct with the mycloud It does work…